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December 4, 2006




To:       Bureau Assistant Directors, Administration

          Chief Executive Officer, National Business Center

          Bureau Finance Officers


From:     Mona S. Williams /s/

          Focus Leader, Asset and Debt Management

          Office of Financial Management


Subject:  Guidance and Schedule for Collecting DOI Work Activity Output Data


This Financial Administration Memorandum (FAM) provides guidance for collecting DOI work activity outputs and establishes a schedule for collecting these outputs for FY07 and thereafter.  It reiterates the guidance published in a Policy, Management and Budget memorandum dated December 29, 2005, same subject.


Bureaus should report work activity outputs as these outputs are produced.  This may be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually, depending on the type of work done.  But at a minimum, the Department expects to see the DOI work activity outputs updated quarterly, by the end of the month following the end of the previous quarter, i.e. January 30, April 30, July 30, and October 30.


The cost (ABC) module of the DOI ABC/M system contains a component to collect DOI work activity outputs.  This component of the cost module remains open to collect output data.  The output component of the cost module should not be confused with the performance module of the DOI ABC/M system that collects similar output performance measurement data.  The DOI ABC/M system can be accessed at http://abcm.doi.gov.


Bureaus have the option of either entering output data directly into the output component of the cost module, or forwarding output data to the Department in a Microsoft Excel file using the format attached to this FAM.  Implementation of the FBMS ABC/M module may change procedures for collecting outputs, but the policy and schedule for reporting outputs will not change.


Bureaus who have not recently updated their FY06 DOI work activity output data are now requested to provide their updates by January 30, 2007.  Please report outputs for the entire fiscal year.  Microsoft Excel files should be forwarded to the Office of Financial Management, Attn:  Asset and Debt Management.


This FAM will remain in effect until superseded by issuance of a departmental Activity Based Cost Management Handbook, or until implementation of the FBMS ABC/M module.


Please direct any questions on this subject to Dorothy Sugiyama at (202) 208-5789.


cc:    ABC Steering Committee

       Activities Oversight Team

       Finance Officers’ Partnership

       Bureau Budget Officers

       Performance Management Council

       FBMS Project Management Office




Prior Financial Administration Memorandum on this subject:



FAMDesciptionName Phone #
GEN FAMs - General Mary Braun 202-208-3433
II A FAMs - General Mary Braun 202-208-3433
II E Bonding Mary Braun 202-208-3433
II F 1 Treasury Policy, Operations and Disbursing - General Mary Braun 202-208-3433
II F 5 Treasury Policy, Operations and Disbursing - Depositaries Mary Braun 202-208-3433
II G 1 Travel and Transportation - General Jacqueline Lynch 703-648-7680
II G 2 Travel and Transportation - Maximum Per Diem Allowances in Certain Jacqueline Lynch 703-648-7680
II G 3 Travel and Transportation - Maximum Per Diem Allowances for Travel Jacqueline Lynch 703-648-7680
II G 4 Travel and Transportation - Travel Management Center Jacqueline Lynch 703-648-7680
II G 6 Travel and Transportation - Relocation Allowances Jacqueline Lynch 703-648-7680
II H Unemployment Compensation Michael Anthony 202-208-6824
II J Cash Management, Debt Collection and Prompt Payment Mary Braun 202-208-3433
III A Financial Data, Fiscal and Financial Reporting - General Mary Braun 202-208-3433
III E Financial Data, Fiscal and Financial Reporting - Treasury Mary Braun 202-208-3433
IV A Activity Based Cost (ABC) Management David Horn 202-208-5542

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U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of Financial Management

Last Updated on 02/22/07