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FAM 1996-20


To:		Bureau Assistant Directors, Administration
		Director, Office of Administrative Services
		Bureau Finance Officers
		Chief, Division of Fiscal Services

From:		Acting Chief, Division of Financial Administration
		Office of Financial Management

Subject:	Lease Termination or Transfer Fees for Automobiles and
		Other Personal Property

This Financial Administration Memorandum (FAM) is being issued in
response to several inquiries regarding the reimbursement of fees and
charges associated with the termination of personal property leases. 
The increased popularity of car leases has prompted inquiries
regarding reimbursement for fees charged for lease termination, as
well as, lease transfer fees.

The attached Comptroller General Decision, B-266312, dated   April 8,
1996, confirms our previous position that an automobile lease is
associated with the sale or purchase of personal property and may not
be reimbursed.

Please direct any questions you may have on this subject to Mr. Lesley
Oden on (202) 208-6225. 

					           William E. Webber


FAMDesciptionName Phone #
GEN FAMs - General Mary Braun 202-208-3433
II A FAMs - General Mary Braun 202-208-3433
II E Bonding Mary Braun 202-208-3433
II F 1 Treasury Policy, Operations and Disbursing - General Mary Braun 202-208-3433
II F 5 Treasury Policy, Operations and Disbursing - Depositaries Mary Braun 202-208-3433
II G 1 Travel and Transportation - General Jacqueline Lynch 703-648-7680
II G 2 Travel and Transportation - Maximum Per Diem Allowances in Certain Jacqueline Lynch 703-648-7680
II G 3 Travel and Transportation - Maximum Per Diem Allowances for Travel Jacqueline Lynch 703-648-7680
II G 4 Travel and Transportation - Travel Management Center Jacqueline Lynch 703-648-7680
II G 6 Travel and Transportation - Relocation Allowances Jacqueline Lynch 703-648-7680
II H Unemployment Compensation Michael Anthony 202-208-6824
II J Cash Management, Debt Collection and Prompt Payment Mary Braun 202-208-3433
III A Financial Data, Fiscal and Financial Reporting - General Mary Braun 202-208-3433
III E Financial Data, Fiscal and Financial Reporting - Treasury Mary Braun 202-208-3433
IV A Activity Based Cost (ABC) Management David Horn 202-208-5542

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U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of Financial Management

Last Updated on 02/26/07