The Volga River, Russia

  • Credit

    Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC

The Volga River flows through southwestern Russia into the Caspian Sea, near the northwestern border of Kazakhstan. Recent heavy spring rains in the region have caused flooding in and around the Volga. In these true- and false-color Terra MODIS images, the Volga runs south from the top of the image and appears fat and dark greenish-brown (true-color) or black (false-color) as it flows toward the delta in the Caspian Lowlands and the Caspian Sea. Right at the sharp southeastward bend sits Stalingrad, which is visible as a gray smudge on the northwestern bank. To the northeast, near the Kazakhstan border, the Ozero El’ton glows like a red copper penny. These images were acquired on May 27, 2003.


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