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August 2004, Vol. 127, No. 8

New statistics for health insurance from the National Compensation Survey

Michael Lettau

over the last several years, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has consolidated
several of its compensation surveys into the National Compensation Survey (NCS). Combining the separate surveys into one integrated program provides greater efficiency in data collection and processing, and also provides greater flexibility in the calculation of compensation measures. Several new statistics are planned for publication from the NCS, which should give data users a more complete understanding of the compensation package a U.S. worker typically receives.

Data are available from the first collection period of the NCS. It is now possible to calculate trial estimates for the proposed statistics. This article describes the integration of the separate surveys into the NCS and presents trial statistics for health insurance.1 The calculation of the trial statistics is just the first step in the development of the new measures. It will take some time to incorporate their calculation into the production process for regular release. Nonetheless, the statistics in this article are examples of the types of measures BLS hopes to publish in the future.

This excerpt is from an article published in the August 2004 issue of the Monthly Labor Review. The full text of the article is available in Adobe Acrobat's Portable Document Format (PDF). See How to view a PDF file for more information.

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1 The statistics are described as trial estimates because, as mentioned throughout the article, they use experimental calculation methods that sometimes differ from the procedures used for the statistics published from the 2003 National Compensation Survey.

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Health insurance trends in cost control and coverageSept. 1986.

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