The GLOBE Campaign and GLOBE Day, Maliyadewa College, Kurunegala, Sri Lanka

31 January 2006

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The GLOBE Program in Sri Lanka organized a National GLOBE Campaign and GLOBE Day on 20-21 October 2005, at Maliyadewa College, Kurunegala. The event was a residential program including more than 275 students representing 32 schools and 60 teachers. The GLOBE Campaign and GLOBE Day were organized to increase awareness of the GLOBE Program among school children as a measure to expand student participation in GLOBE activities. These GLOBE activities were designed to share the experience gained by senior GLOBE students with newly enrolled students to the GLOBE program in the schools.

Stars PhotoAdditionally, it provided an opportunity for more experienced GLOBE participants to make presentations reporting on the GLOBE protocols that they find interesting and relevant. These research presentations helped other students and teachers learn about what types of studies could be explored with the available facilities in Sri Lankan schools. In addition, the activities helped promote awareness about the GLOBE activities and program objectives among the community and promote community participation in organizing future events as well as obtain technical support and financial assistance to sustain current activities.

Other benefits of these activities included the promotion of peace and harmony among various ethnic communities by working together and developing friendships. It provided opportunities in leadership and organizational abilities of GLOBE students in organizing, conducting and solving day to day problems associated with organizing and conducting a program of this magnitude.

GLOBE Workshop Program: 20 October 2005.

Participating students and teachers were divided into four groups by investigation area. Group leaders were also selected and teachers in charge of the groups were assigned.

Stars PhotoGLOBE Day Program: 21 October 2005.
  • A quiz program was conducted that involved all the participating schools. The program created interest and enthusiasm among all the students. Winners of the quiz program were given certificates.
  • An officer from the Meteorological Department was invited to give a lecture on the topic "Recent Developments in Climatic Measurements". This lecture provided participants with knowledge on a very important topic as well as with the latest developments in technical equipment in measuring climatic factors.
  • A presentation of reports was prepared by student groups on the activities done in the study sites.
  • A presentation of reports was delivered regarding research work conducted in GLOBE schools.
  • An opportunity was provided for participant questions and answers.
  • A presentation of cultural and aesthetic items of short duration was developed and delivered by the participating students.
  • All participating students and teachers were awarded with certificates of attendance.
  • College anthem.
  • National anthem.

    The All Island GLOBE Camp and GLOBE Day demonstrated the outstanding capabilities of the Sri Lankan students as well as the dedication and expertise of the teachers of Maliyadewa College. This program provided a good opportunity for the participating schools to learn about organizing similar GLOBE programs in their own schools as well.

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