GLOBE Stars in the Czech Republic

06 August 1999

GLOBE Star Nearly 200 students from 20 GLOBE schools throughout the Czech Republic participated in the country's second GLOBE Games April 9-11, 1999. At the opening ceremony in Telc, a Dixieland band played and participants sang Czech GLOBE songs composed at the 1998 GLOBE Games. Special guests included politicians and representatives from the Ministry of Education.

GLOBE Star Each of the 20 schools was represented at the games by five competitors, five cheerleaders, and two teachers. Student teams competed in various disciplines covering many of the GLOBE protocol areas, such as measuring water quality, working with a GPS, and measuring soil temperature. The cheerleaders, each group with its own specialist or scientist leader, had responsibility for investigating the surroundings of the town and presenting their observations to all participants.

Another group of students worked as reporters, preparing a special edition of the GLOBE Newsletter for distribution to the participants as well as the residents of Telc. Results of the students' observations were announced at the closing ceremony of the Games. Each participant received a special diploma and each school received a satellite image of Telc.

GLOBE Star Congratulations to TEREZA, coordinator of the games and of the GLOBE Program in the Czech Republic. Congratulations also to GLOBE school Zakladni skola Hradecka in Telc and their Deputy Director, Bozenka Kaderavkova, who helped organize the games and find sponsors and lodging for the participants.

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