Consumer Sentinel Network Reports

Consumer Sentinel Annual Fraud and Identity Theft Reports

- Sentinel CY-2007 - (PDF) - Sentinel CY-2004 - (PDF)
- Sentinel CY-2006 - (PDF) - Sentinel CY-2003 - (PDF)
- Sentinel CY-2005 - (PDF) - Sentinel CY-2002 - (PDF)

Consumer Sentinel Annual Fraud Reports for Selected Metropolitan Statistical Areas

- Top FRAUD Categories by MSA 2007 - (PDF) - Top IDT Theft Types by MSA 2007 - (PDF)
- Top FRAUD Categories by MSA 2006 - (PDF) - Top IDT Theft Types by MSA 2006 - (PDF)

Annual Identity Theft Reports

- IDT CY-2006 FIGURES - (PDF) - CY-2006 IDT State Reports - (PDF)
- IDT CY-2005 FIGURES - (PDF) - CY-2005 IDT State Reports - (PDF)
- IDT CY-2004 FIGURES - (PDF) - CY-2004 IDT State Reports - (PDF)
- IDT CY-2003 FIGURES - (PDF) - CY-2003 IDT State Reports - (PDF)
- IDT CY-2002 FIGURES - (PDF) - CY-2002 IDT State Reports - (PDF)

Annual Cross-Border Fraud Reports

- Cross-Border CY-2007 - (PDF) - Cross-Border CY-2004 - (PDF)
- Cross-Border CY-2006 - (PDF) - Cross-Border CY-2003 - (PDF)
- Cross-Border CY-2005 - (PDF) - Cross-Border CY-2002 - (PDF)

Annual Cross-Border Fraud Reports with US and Canadian Details

- US & CAN Cross-Border CY-2006 - (PDF) - US & CAN Cross-Border CY-2005 - (PDF)

Annual Cross-Border Fraud Reports with Atlantic Partnership Details

- The Atlantic Partnership Report CY-2006 - (PDF)
- The Atlantic Partnership Report CY-2005 - (PDF)
- The Atlantic Partnership Report CY-2004 - (PDF)

FTC Fraud Surveys

- Consumer Fraud in the US: Second FTC Survey - October 2007 - (PDF)
- Consumer Fraud in the US: An FTC Survey - August 2004 - (PDF)

Other Reports

- Fraud and ID Complaints Received by the FTC from Consumers Age 50 and Over CY-2005 - (PDF)
- Fraud and ID Complaints Received by the FTC from Consumers Age 50 and Over CY-2004 - (PDF)


Last Modified: Thursday, 05-Jun-2008 12:28:00 EDT