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Oct. 25, 2004

King County and City of Seattle to introduce state’s newest and largest consumer of renewable biodiesel fuel

Partnership to cut pollution and expand markets will be powered by Metro

King County Executive Ron Sims will welcome Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels, City Light Superintendent Jorge Carrasco and other partners in celebrating another major step toward energy independence tomorrow when he turns on the pump and begins fueling the first bus in Metro Transit’s fleet with a cleaner biodiesel blend. A tanker truck will deliver 9,000 gallons of the fuel. Also, see a wrapped Metro bus take the shape of a bottle of veggie oil symbolizing the farm crops that will help fuel transit fleets of the future.

10:30 a.m.
Tuesday Oct. 26, 2004
Metro Transit Ryerson Base, South Seattle

What: Officials, farmers, industry representatives and global warming experts will outline a new two-year commitment by Metro Transit to use up to one-half million gallons of biodiesel to help reduce climate-altering greenhouse gases while stimulating the production of state farm commodities used to manufacture biodiesel. Metro’s use of biodiesel will make it the largest consumer of the alternative fuel in the State of Washington. Metro’s use of biodiesel follows other clean air milestones, including the purchase of new hybrid buses and its use of ultra low sulfur diesel fuel.

Who: King County Executive Ron Sims; Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels; Seattle City Light Superintendent Jorge Carrasco; Dean Boyer, Washington Farm Bureau; K.C. Golden, Climate Solutions.

Driving Directions to Metro’s Ryerson Base: From South Dearborn Street, go south on 6th Avenue South. Take a right on Massachusetts Street. Enter at the Ryerson employee parking lot at the end of the street (look for employee parking sign). After you park, enter through the gate at the northwest end of the lot and walk across the busway to Ryerson Base.

Updated: Oct. 25, 2004

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