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Message to employees from King County Executive Ron Sims
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Oct. 4, 2004

Disability Awareness Month

Dear King County employees:

We as a society are strengthened as we strive to ensure that everyone has equal access to employment, education, recreation, cultural activities, and community life regardless of disability. Approximately one in five people in the United States has a disability, and 85 percent of people with disabilities acquired their disability due to injury or a medical condition.*

In spite of the inclusiveness and size of the disabilities community, there is still much to be done to achieve increased employment opportunities and participation in society among people with disabilities. For example, while comprising about 20 percent of our population, people with disabilities make up only 12 percent of our work force.*

During Disability Awareness Month in October, we celebrate the talents and contributions of our employees with disabilities, and we recognize all efforts to ensure opportunities and equal access through the enforcement of civil rights legislation. However, we recognize that the greater challenge is to undo prejudices and stereotyping attitudes.

By knowing each other better through increased awareness and interaction, we can become a more truly open and diverse community. I encourage you to participate in the various activities and events that have been planned by Disability Services and the Office of Civil Rights. A few of the events include:

  • Exhibition of artwork by people with disabilities;
  • Panel discussion and Q&A with people with disabilities; and
  • County Policies on Injury and Disability: An Overview and Q&A.
For more information visit the Disability Month Awareness Web site.

Although Disability Awareness Month occurs only once a year for a month, at King County, every day is Disability Awareness Day. Every day, we work to ensure that we hire and promote qualified individuals, regardless of disability. Every day, we work to ensure that our programs and services are accessible to members of the public with disabilities. Everyone is encouraged to reaffirm the determination to achieve a society that affords independence, justice, and dignity for all.


Ron Sims
King County Executive

* According to the U.S. Census Bureau

Resources for Individuals with Disabilities

  • Regarding employment, the Disability Services Program facilitates accommodations for employees and future employees with disabilities. ohrm/safety/DAProgram/da.htm
  • Regarding public access, the Office of Civil Rights works with all county staff to ensure access to members of the general public with disabilities.

Updated: Oct. 4, 2004

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