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Sept. 17, 2004

County surplus land to go to farmers’ market

King County Executive Ron Sims today announced a proposal to allow the surplus and sale of three parcels of land totaling about 20 acres to the Friends of the Woodinville Farmers’ Market. The land will be used for a permanent location for the market as well as for agricultural use.

“This sale allows county parks to sell a piece of property that can only be used for agricultural purposes, not recreation, to a group that will use it for agricultural purposes. The county will still retain development rights on the property to ensure it is preserved as agricultural land forever,” said Sims. As part of the agreement, the Woodinville Farmers’ Market has agreed that 17 acres will be entered into the Farmland Preservation Program.

Based on an appraisal contracted for by the county, the Friends of the Woodinville Farmers’ Market will pay $352,000 for three parcels. The county’s retention of the development rights is valued at $305,000, and this will allow the property to retain its agricultural nature.

“This allows the Woodinville Farmers’ Market to build a local market and showcase sustainable agriculture in the region,” said Sims. “King County continues to show forward thinking management of its real estate assets by divesting itself of this parcel and partnering with the private non-profit sector.”

King County originally purchased this property from an estate in 1997 and additional property from the Woodinville Fire District in 1999 to develop soccer fields. Legal actions required the property be used only for agricultural uses rather than active recreational issues, such as the proposed fields. The proposal goes to the County Council for adoption.

Related information: Farmland Preservation Program

Updated: Sept. 17, 2004

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