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Preconception Counseling for DM and HTN

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Preconception Counseling for Women with Diabetes and Hypertension

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Reference Texts, Articles, and Patient Education

Step 14a. Reference Texts and Articles

Reference Texts
If you have been unable to obtain the previous references online, then try these paper-based materials.

1. Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies, 5th Edition. ExitDisclaimer Gabbe SG, Simpson JL, Neibyl JR (Eds.). Preconception Chapter 5 pp 111-137.
Hypertension Chapter 33, pp 863-912. Diabetes Mellitus Complicating Pregnancy. Chapter 37, pp 976-1010. Churchill Livingstone, New York, 2007. (Level III)

2. Williams Obstetrics. 22nd Edition. ExitDisclaimer Cunningham GF, et al (Eds.)
Chronic Hypertension. Chapter 45. Diabetes. Chapter 52. McGraw-Hill, 2005. (Level III).

3. Maternal – Fetal Medicine. 5 th Edition. ExitDisclaimer Creasy R, Reznik R, Iams, J.(Eds) Pregnancy-Related Hypertension. Chapter 48. Diabetes in Pregnancy. Chapter 53. WB Saunders 2003 (Level III).


Specific Articles (from above) on Women with Diabetes and Hypertension

Brundage SC. Preconception health care. Am Fam Physician. 2002 Jun 15;65(12):2507-14.

Collins R, Overview of randomised trials of diuretics in pregnancy. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1985 Jan 5;290(6461):17-23.

Cooper WO, Hernandez-Diaz S, Arbogast PG, Dudley JA, Dyer S. Gideon PS, Hall K, Ray WA. Major congenital malformations after first-trimester exposure to ACE inhibitors. N Engl J Med. 2006 Jun 8;354(23):2443-51.

Dean, HJ, Young, TK, Flett, B, Wood-Steiman, P. Screening for type-2 diabetes in aboriginal children in northern Canada. Lancet 1998; 352:1523.

Dejager S, Turpin G. Hyperlipidemia in pregnancy. Press Med 1996; 25:1839-45.

Edison RJ et al Mechanistic and epidemiologic considerations in the evaluation of adverse birth outcomes following gestational exposure to statins. Am J Med Genet A. 2004 Dec 15;131(3):287-98.

Elliott W J and Meyer P M. Incident diabetes in clinical trials of antihypertensive drugs: a network meta-analysis. Lancet 2007; 369: 201–207.

Glueck CJ et al Metformin therapy throughout pregnancy reduces the development of gestational diabetes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertil Steril. 2002 Mar;77(3):520-5.

Hosokawa A, et al. Use of lipid-lowering agents (statins) during pregnancy. Canadian Fam Physician 2003; 49:774-8.

Johnson K et al Recommendations to improve preconception health and health care--United States. A report of the CDC/ATSDR Preconception Care Work Group and the Select Panel on Preconception Care. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2006 Apr 21;55(RR-6):1-23.

Klinke JA, Toth EL. Preconception care for women with type 1 diabetes. Canadian Fam Physician 2003; 49:769-73.

Langer O, et al A comparison of glyburide and insulin in women with gestational diabetes mellitus. N Engl J Med. 2000 Oct 19;343(16):1134-8.

Leguizamon G, Reece A. Effect of medical therapy on progressive nephropathy: Influence of pregnancy, diabetes, and hypertension. J Mat Fet Med 2000; 9:70-8.

Lip GY et al. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in early pregnancy. Lancet 1997; 350:1446-7.

Magee LA; Duley L Oral beta-blockers for mild to moderate hypertension during pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2003;(3):CD002863.

Ordovas JM, et al. Plasma lipids and cholesterol esterification rate during pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 1984; 63:20-5.

Pinhas-Hamiel O et al. Increased incidence of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus among adolescents. J Pediatr 1996 May;128(5 Pt 1):608-15

Redman CW Controlled trials of antihypertensive drugs in pregnancy. Am J Kidney Dis 1991 Feb;17(2):149-53

Rosenn B, Miodovnik M, Combs CA, Khoury J, Siddiqi TA. Pre-conception management of insulin-dependent diabetes: improvement of pregnancy outcome. Obstet Gynecol 1991;77:846–9. (Level II-3)

Sibai BM et al A randomized prospective comparison of nifedipine and bed rest versus bed rest alone in the management of preeclampsia remote from term. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1992 Oct;167(4 Pt 1):879-84.

Varughese GI, Chowdhury SR, Warner DP, Barton DM. Preconception care of women attending adult general diabetes clinics--are we doing enough? Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2007 Apr;76(1):142-5. Epub 2006 Sep 6.

Vijan S, et al. Screening, prevention, counseling, and treatment for complications of type II diabetes mellitus. J Gen Intern Med 1997; 12:567-80.

Review Articles on Women with Diabetes and Hypertension

Awad K, Ali P, Frishman WH, Tejani N. Pharmacologic approaches for the management of systemic hypertension in pregnancy. Heart Dis. 2000 Mar-Apr;2(2):124-32. Review.

Bakhireva LN, Jones KL, Schatz M, Klonoff-Cohen HS, Johnson D, Slymen DJ, Chambers CD; Organization of Teratology Information Specialists Collaborative Research Group. Safety of leukotriene receptor antagonists in pregnancy. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2007 Mar;119(3):618-25.

Brundage SC. Preconception health care. Am Fam Physician. 2002 Jun 15;65(12):2507-14.

Cooper WO, Hernandez-Diaz S, Arbogast PG, Dudley JA, Dyer S. Gideon PS, Hall K, Ray WA. Major congenital malformations after first-trimester exposure to ACE inhibitors. N Engl J Med. 2006 Jun 8;354(23):2443-51.

Coppage KH, Sibai BM. Treatment of hypertensive complications in pregnancy. Curr Pharm Des. 2005;11(6):749-57. Review.

Frishman WH, Schlocker SJ, Awad K, Tejani N. Pathophysiology and medical management of systemic hypertension in pregnancy. Cardiol Rev. 2005 Nov-Dec;13(6):274-84. Review.

Grubbs S, Brundage SC. Preconception management of chronic diseases. J S C Med Assoc. 2002 Oct;98(6):270-6.

Sibai BM. Chronic hypertension in pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol. 2002 Aug;100(2):369-77. Review.

Thacker HL. Medical aspects of pregnancy. J Womens Health. 1999 Apr;8(3):335-46. Review.

Varughese GI, Chowdhury SR, Warner DP, Barton DM. Preconception care of women attending adult general diabetes clinics--are we doing enough? Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2007 Apr;76(1):142-5. Epub 2006 Sep 6.

Vidaef AC, Carroll MA, Raman SM. Acute hypertensive emergencies in pregnancy. Crit Care Med. 2005 Oct;33(10 Suppl):S307-12. Review.

Wide-Swensson DH, Ingermarsson I, Lunell NO, Forman A, Skajaa K, Lindberg B, LindebergS, Marsal K, Andersson KE. Calcium channel blockade (isradipine) in treatment of hypertension in pregnancy: a randomized placebo-controlled study. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1995 Sep;173(3 Pt 1):872-8.

Yankowitz J. Pharmacologic treatment of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs. 2004 Jul-Sep;18(3):230-40. Review.


14b Patient Education

1.) General Preconception Care

Preconception Care: Questions and Answers
Preconception care information from CDC. Text only; no graphics or interactive features. Takes the stance that every sexually active individual should think about preconception care and gives guidelines. Recommendation to create a reproductive life plan is unique and thought-provoking. Reading level is approximately 11th grade.

Good Health Before Pregnancy ExitDisclaimer
An online version of a comprehensive print pamphlet on preconception care from ACOG. Text only; no graphics or interactive features. Reading level is approximately grade 10, which may be too high for some patients.

American Academy of Family Physicians
How to prepare for pregnancy ExitDisclaimer
Information on preconception care from the Association of American Family Physicians. Text only; no graphics or interactive features. Does not specifically address hypertension or diabetes. While reading level is 10-11 grade (probably due to medical terms), overall it is easy to understand.

Pregnancy: Things to Think About Before You're Pregnant ExitDisclaimer
Easy-to-understand information from the American Academy of Family Physicians. Does not specifically address hypertension or diabetes. Reading level is approximately 9th grade.

Before You Start Trying
Information on preconception care from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Text only; no graphics or interactive features. Briefly addresses hypertension and diabetes. Reading level is about 8th grade.

Preconception Care
Gateway to sites on preconception care.

March of Dimes
Preconception Screening ExitDisclaimer
For providers. Questionnaire about risk factors to discuss with women who plan to become pregnant.

Mayo Clinic
Preconception Planning:
Is your body ready for pregnancy?

Web MD
Medical Conditions and Pregnancy Planning ExitDisclaimer

University of Virginia Health Systems
High Risk Pregnancy: Medical Conditions and Pregnancy ExitDisclaimer
Pre-conception Health for Women

2.) Hypertension

High blood pressure during pregnancy ExitDisclaimer
An online version of a comprehensive print pamphlet on hypertension in pregnancy from ACOG. Some graphics; no interactive features. Reading level is approximately grade 10.

March of Dimes
High blood pressure during pregnancy ExitDisclaimer
Information from the March of Dimes on hypertension in pregnancy, both that which develops before pregnancy and that which develops before the 20th week. One graphic; no interactive features. Reading level is 11-12 grade.

Washington Hospital Healthcare System
High blood pressure puts baby, mother at risk ExitDisclaimer
One graphic; no interactive features. Gives good, practical information about pregnancy and high blood pressure. Reading level is 11-12 grade.

3.) Diabetes

American Diabetes Association
Diabetes and Pregnancy ExitDisclaimer
Brief, easy-to-understand information (four links on this page) about pregnancy with preexisting diabetes from the American Diabetes Association. Text only; no graphics or interactive features. Reading level is about 8th grade.

Mayo Clinic
Pregnancy and diabetes: Plan your pregnancy to avoid complications ExitDisclaimer
Solid information on diabetes and pregnancy from the Mayo Clinic. Text only; no graphics or interactive features. Reading level is about 11th grade.

Diabetic Mommy
For women with diabetes who are pregnant, trying to conceive, with children (no matter what age), or just thinking about having a baby someday. ExitDisclaimer
Online magazine for women with diabetes who are interested in pregnancy and fertility issues. Edited by a woman with diabetes, not a healthcare professional. Emphasis on support.

Especially helpful ExitDisclaimer


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This file last modified: Friday November 30, 2007  2:18 PM