FDA Logo U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

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CFSAN/Office of Food Safety, Defense, and Outreach
August 24, 2005

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Food Safety for Moms-To-Be

Welcome! We're glad you're here because foodborne illness is a serious health risk for pregnant women and their unborn babies. You'll find accurate, easy-to-understand information about foodborne illness.

Seguridad alimentaria para futuras mamás

¡Bienvenida a nuestro sitio! Las enfermedades transmitidas por los alimentos constituyen un grave riesgo para la salud de las mujeres embarazadas y de sus bebés no nacidos. Aquí encontrará información precisa y fácil de entender sobre dichas enfermedades.

(In English and Spanish / En inglés y español)

Here you'll find top line points about food safety during pregnancy. It's a great reminder of ways to keep you and your baby safe!
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En español >
 Before You're Pregnant
Thinking about becoming pregnant? Before the test is positive, here's how to give your baby a healthy start!
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En español >
 While You're Pregnant
Congratulations - you're pregnant! Here are answers to your frequently-asked questions about foodborne illness.
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En español >

 Safe Eats
Is sushi safe? What about "smoothies?" This easy-to-use section provides a food-by-food guide to selecting, preparing, and eating foods safely.
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En español >
 Lifelong Food Safety
Good food safety practices are important during your pregnancy and for a lifetime! This section shows you how to prevent foodborne illness in four easy steps: Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill.
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En español >
Summer Fun
Summer Fun As you enjoy warm weather feasts, use these tips for keeping the invisible enemy (a.k.a. foodborne bacteria) at bay.
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En español >

A Special Note: As you learn more about food safety, you may discover that there are things related to safe food handling that you should have done differently in the past. Don't worry, you and your baby are probably okay! But if you do have health concerns, see your doctor or health-care provider.
Nota especial: A medida que usted aprende más sobre la seguridad alimentaria, es posible que descubra que existen cosas sobre el manejo seguro de los alimentos que debió haber hecho de otra manera en el pasado. No se preocupe, ¡es muy probable que tanto usted como su bebé estén bien! Pero si realmente está preocupada por su salud, debe consultar a su médico o proveedor de servicios de salud.