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Corporate Income & Excise Tax Year 2002
Oregon Corporate Income and Excise Tax
Annual Report
Covering Fiscal Year 2004 Corporate Tax Receipts
and Tax Year 2002 Corporate Tax Returns
Full Report
Table of Contents
Section 1 How Corporations are Taxed
A) History and Tax Calculation
B) S Corporations
C) Insurance Corporations
Section 2 Corporate Tax Receipts
Section 3 Corporate Tax Returns
A) Summary of Corporate Returns
B) Summary of C Corporation Excise Tax Returns
     Taxable Income Categories
     Industry Sector
     State of Commercial Domicile
     Apportioned Returns
     Credit Usage
     Minimum Tax Returns
C) Summary of 20-S Returns
D) Summary of 20-I Returns
A) Glossary of Corporate Terms
B) Selected Glossary of Industry Sectors
C) Data Construction
D) Surplus Kicker
Prepared by:
Research Section
Oregon Department of Revenue
Salem, OR 97301
150-102-405 (Rev. 12-04)
To order additional copies, please contact:
Oregon Department of Revenue
955 Center Street NE
Salem OR 97301-2555
(503) 945-8636
TTY (hearing or speech impaired; machine only): 503-945-8617 (Salem) or 1-800-886-7204 (toll-free within Oregon).
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): This information is available in alternative formats. Call 503-378-4988 (Salem) or 1-800-356-4222 (toll-free within Oregon).
Asistencia en español. Llame al 503-945-8618 en Salem o llame gratis al 1-800-356-4222 en Oregon.
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Page updated: June 21, 2007

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