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Corporate Income & Excise Tax Year 2000
Oregon Corporate Income and Excise Tax

Annual Report

Returns from Tax Year 2000

Full Report
Table of Contents
Section 1 How Corporations are Taxed
  A) History & Tax Calculation
  B) S Corporations
  C) Insurance Corporations
Section 2 Corporate Tax Receipts
  A) Recent Trends in Collections
  B) Collections by Industry Sector
Section 3 Corporate Tax Returns
  A) Summary of All Corporate Returns
  B) Summary of C Corporation Excise Tax Returns
    Taxable Income Categories
    Industry Sector
    State of Commercial Domicile
    Apportioned Returns
    Credit Claimants
    Minimum Tax Returns
  C) Summary of 20-S Returns
  D) Summary of 20-I Returns
  A) Glossary of Corporate Terms
  B) Selected Glossary of Industry Sectors
  C) Data Construction
  D) Surplus Kicker
  E) Corporate Receipts History
  F) Corporate Return History

Prepared by:

Research Section
Oregon Department of Revenue
Salem, OR 97310
150-102-405 (Rev. 7-03)
To order additional copies, please contact:
Oregon Department of Revenue
955 Center Street NE
Salem OR 97301-2555
(503) 945-8636
TTY (hearing or speech impaired; machine only): 503-945-8617 (Salem) or 1-800-886-7204 (toll-free within Oregon).

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): This information is available in alternative formats. Call 503-378-4988 (Salem) or 1-800-356-4222 (toll-free within Oregon).

Asistencia en español. Llame al 503-945-8618 en Salem o llame gratis al 1-800-356-4222 en Oregon.
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Page updated: June 21, 2007

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