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  Women Served in the Workforce System  
  Women Served in the Workforce System in the four quarters ending 09/30/06  
  The total number of women served by the Workforce Investment System was at least 10.8 million in the four quarters ending September 30, 2006. The Wagner-Peyser program served the largest number of women, 6,345,089 and the Prisoner Reentry Initiative served the smallest number of women, 735.

Data were not available for all programs, and some of the figures are estimates.
Women Served in the Workforce System in the four quarters ending 09/30/06
Program Number
PRI 735
National Farmworker Jobs Program 6,092
Native American  Adult 7,062
Registered Apprenticeship 13,154
TAA 25,411
SCSEP 57,265
WIA Youth 61,837
WIA Dislocated Worker 164,431
WIA Adults 604,060
UI 3,556,304
Wagner-Peyser 6,345,089
Sum Total 10,841,440
Created: February 01, 2007
Updated: April 04, 2008