Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

eBuy Questions


  • Where do I get information about eBuy?
  • A: The best place for eBuy information is on the Procurement Web site. Read the contents of this document and its various links like eBuy Help and Merchant information to get an idea of what eBuy is about.


  • How are eBuy requisitions approved?
  • A: eBuy requisition authorization uses eProcurement's basic approval engine with some rule changes. In general, requisitions $200 or less will self-approve when submitted and do not require an approver.In the following cases, however, the eBuy user needs to enter an Authorized Signer (from SAS) on the last eBuy page and it must be approved through the normal ePro workflow system:


• The requisitions is over $200.

• The requisitions for any amount is entered by a Guest.

• The requisition is over $200 and the requester and preparer are the same. (Another SAS approver needs to be chosen.)

• The project entered on the requisitions is setup in FMS to always require approval. (The approver cannot be the same as the Preparer and Requester--no matter what the amount.)

• The requisition is for a sensitive items (which needs a property tag).

The system takes care of deciding when an approver is needed. It knows when the amount is over $200, whether or not the user is a Guest, if the project always needs approval, if the preparer is the requester/approver, and if a property item is being requisitioned. In these cases, the "Approver" box on the last page is un-grayed by the system and the user must enter an Authorized Signer in order to proceed.


  • What determines the approvers who are available in eBuy?
  • A: When required, eBuy uses the same 800 Authorized Signers as eProcurement uses. The divisions determine who they want to be on the Authorized Signer list using CFO procedure, Signature Authority for Financial Transactions - Issued 09-01-05.


  • How do users select and use the correct project IDs for eBuy requisitions?
  • A: Projects are obtained in the same way as for ePro requisitions. A project is required to be entered on the last eBuy page and the user must be given a valid division project from their division. An eBuy user can choose any Lab project. There are no controls to force them to only use a project belonging to their division. If they choose an incorrect project, a Resource Analyst can see this. Anyone at the Lab can view any eBuy transaction--complete with project information (through ePro's Manage Requisition screen, IRIS, or BLIS reports).


  • Can costs be split between multiple project IDs on the same eBuy requisition/order?
  • A: eBuy is a simplified requisitioning method that shortcuts eProcurement's complexities and flexibilities. You cannot charge multiple projects using the eBuy interface--eBuy prompts you for only one project on the last screen. You can, however, use the standard ePro "Create Requisition" module to create a requisition on the vendor's Web site similar to an eBuy requisition and, on the ePro "Requisition Summary" page, you go into each line item and split/change projects (through the red truck icon).


  • Can different customers be identified to receive an eBuy order?
  • A: eBuy, like ePro, allows only one requester to be chosen (anyone at the Lab with an email address). Receiving does not have the staff to open eBuy boxes and repackage them for multiple requesters. Regular ePro users will see an initial eBuy screen that prompts them for a requester. Non-ePro users are setup so they are automatically the requester. They can, however, change the requester on the last eBuy screen.


  • How are invoices reconciled and items received?
  • A: eBuy vendors send us electronic "XML" invoices. The system matches the invoiced line amounts to the amounts shown on the requisition/PO and the vendor is paid when there is a match. This is a "two-way" match so receipts are not used to determine whether or not a vendor should be paid. Vendors only invoice us for actual shipments made to the Lab. When something is back-ordered and shipped later, the vendor sends us an invoice after it ships the back-ordered material to the Lab and we pay the invoice when it arrives. Receiving only tracks that something arrived on the PO. To save effort for these low-dollar transactions, they do not open the box to see which line item and what quantities arrived. This streamlined receiving information is viewable in BLIS reports. See the eBuy Help page for details on how to get this information.


  • How do returns work?
  • A: Returns are basically handled outside of the system. The user gets an RMA by either calling, emailing, or obtaining an RMA from the vendor's website. The material is then sent to LBNL Shipping where the vendor picks up the material. The vendor then issues us a credit for the items. Details are on the eBuy Returns webpage.


  • Can Restricted Items be purchased through eBuy?
  • A: Do not buy Prohibited Items appearing on the first page of the Restricted Item List. The Prime Contract with DOE prohibits the Lab from purchasing these items with Government funds. Special Treatment items (the rest of the list) require special approvals, notifications, justifications, and/or controls. eBuy will automatically route requisitions for required special approvals and notifications. Other items, however, may require special justifications or controls, as shown on the list.


  • Why doesn't my LDAP (email) login work?
  • A: Your LDAP (email) login name and password will normally get you into eBuy. It will not work, however, if

    1. You are an existing FMS user (like a Requisition Preparer or Resource Analyst) AND

    2. Your email name is more than 8 characters.

    In this case, you must use your upper-case FMS User ID and password.


    • Why doesn't my Apple Safari browser take me to the merchant website?
    • A: For eBuy to work, the Apple Safari browser needs to be set to Accept Cookies Always otherwise you will not get to the correct site for ordering from Pacific Supply & Safety / Corporate Express (PSS/CE). Here is how to enable cookies in Safari:

      1. Select Safari from the browser Menu bar
      2. Select Preferences on the menu
      3. Select Security
      4. Where it says Accept Cookies select Always.

      Do not select Only from sites you navigate to otherwise you will not be directed to the PSS/CE site where you do your shopping.


    • Should I keep the packing list that comes in the box?
    • A: You are not required to keep the packing list that arrives with your eBuy shipment. It is a good idea, however, to hold onto the packing lists for a few days since they have information that is useful if you need to return the items to the eBuy vendor


    • How can I find the eBuy Purchase Order number that was sent to the merchant?
    • A: Knowing the eBuy Purchase Order (PO) number is useful when you want to follow-up with an eBuy merchant on the status of your order. The eBuy PO number can be found in several places:

      Email Confirmation: The email confirmation sent by the eBuy merchant to the Requester will show the PO number (which typically looks something like LBNL-6812345). It may be in the email's header and/or text.

      eBuy Manage Requisitions: You can lookup real-time eBuy PO status by going to the eBuy/eProcurement Manage Requisitions page using one of these four techniques:


      1. Click on this Manage Requisitions link.
      2. After logging into eBuy, click the Expand Expand Icon icon on the left click then click the Manage Requisitions link on the left.
      3. Click on the Manage Requisitions link at the bottom of the Confirmation page that appears after you after you "Save & submit" your requisition.
      4. On the regular PeopleSoft menu click eProcurement on the left then the Manage Requisitions on the right or below the eProcurement menu.

      Once you are on the Manage Requisitions page, there are two way to see the PO number:

      1. Click on the Requisition Cycle Requisition Cycle Icon icon then click on the Order link to see the PO Number.
      2. Click on the requisition name/number on the left you are interested in then click the Expand icon in the dark blue "PO Information" bar. That will open up an area that shows "PO No." eBuy sends the merchant this number with "LBNL-" in front of it.

      IRIS: The IRIS data warehouse allows you to lookup eBuy requisition and PO information alongside regular non-eBuy requisitions and POs. This data is refreshed nightly. Click on the requisition link on the Purchase Requisitions link right and enter your eBuy requisition number. (You can also search using the Requester or Preparer's last name followed by a "%".) After you click on the found requisition number, you will see the PO Number on the right.


    • Can I have Remote Access to eBuy and ePro while off-site?
    • A: For security, eBuy and ePro are only accessible on LBLnet. If you are off-site, you can get onto LBLnet using either installing the free Virtual Private Network (VPN) software on your off-site PC or by establishing a Remote Desktop Connection to your Lab PC which is left on.