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Mortgage Company Notification
You should inform your mortgage company that the State of Oregon will be paying your property taxes if your mortgage company holds funds to pay the taxes. You may want to send them a copy of your deferral approval letter.
Mortgage companies and other lenders cannot prevent you from applying for a deferral program as stated in the following statutes:
ORS 311.670 (3) There must be no prohibition to the deferral of property taxes contained in any provision of federal law, rule or regulation applicable to a mortgage, trust deed, land sale contract or conditional sale contract for which the homestead is security.
ORS 311.700 After September 9, 1971, it shall be unlawful for any mortgage trust deed or land sale contract to contain a clause or statement which prohibits the owner from applying for the benefits of the deferral of homestead property taxes provided in ORS 311.666 to 311.701. Any such clause or statement in mortgage trust deed or land sale contract executed after September 9, 1971 shall be void.

Page updated: January 10, 2008

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