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Inspection Manual Chapters

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Area Chapter Title Issue Date CN Number Word
IMC Manual Chapter
IMC 0030 Policy and Guidance for Development of NRC Inspection Manual Programs 04/30/97 97-005
IMC 0040 Preparing, Revising, and Issuing Documents for the NRC Inspection Manual 08/19/08 08-024 .doc
IMC 0102 Oversight and Objectivity of Inspectors and Examiners at Reactor Facilities 08/22/05 05-023 .doc
IMC 0111 Region I Monitoring Activities for the DOE West Valley Demonstration Project 03/04/02 02-006
IMC 0230 Morning Report 11/18/02 02-043 .doc
IMC 0300 Announced and Unannounced Inspections 03/24/94 94-010
IMC 0301 Coordination of NRC Visits to Commercial Reactor Sites 08/24/01 01-016 .doc
IMC 0302 Inspection Program Evaluation Activities 09/27/95 95-013
IMC 0303 Item Reporting 11/30/99 99-019
IMC 0305 Operating Reactor Assessment Program 11/27/07 07-036 .doc
IMC 0306 Information Technology Support for the Reactor Oversight Process 04/04/07 07-012 .doc
IMC 0307 Reactor Oversight Process Self-Assessment Program 01/10/08
08-002 .doc
IMC 0307 App A Reactor Oversight Process Self-Assessment Metrics 01/10/08
08-002 .doc
IMC 0307 App B ROP Realignment Process 01/25/07
07-003 .doc
IMC 0308 Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) Basis Document 11/08/07 07-035 .doc
IMC 0308 Att 1 Technical Basis for Performance Indicators 11/08/07 07-035 .doc
IMC 0308 Att 2 Technical Basis for Inspection Program 10/16/06 06-027 .doc
IMC 0308 Att 3 Significance Determination Process Basis Document 10/16/06 06-027 .doc
IMC 0308 Att 3, App A Technical Basis for At Power Significance Determination Process 11/08/07 07-035 .doc
IMC 0308 Att 3, App B Technical Basis for Emergency Preparedness Significance Determination Process 07/28/05 05-022 .doc
IMC 0308 Att 3, App C Technical Basis for Occupational Radiation Safety Significance Determination Process 07/28/05 05-022 .doc
IMC 0308 Att 3, App D Technical Basis for Public Radiation Safety Significance Determination Process 06/25/04 04-020 .doc
IMC 0308 Att 3, App F Technical Basis for Fire Protection Significance Determination Process (IIIMC 0609, Appendix F) At Power Operations 02/28/05 05-007 .doc
IMC 0308 Att 3, App G Technical Basis for Shutdown Operations Significance Determination Process 02/28/05 05-007 .doc
IMC 0308 Att 3, App H Technical Basis for Containment Integrity Significance Determination Process 05/06/04 04-010 .doc
IMC 0308 Att 3, App I Technical Basis for Operator Requalification Human Performance Significance Determination Process 07/28/05 05-022 .doc 
IMC 0308 Att 3, App J Technical Basis for Steam Generator Tube Integrity Findings Significance Determination Process 05/06/04 04-010 .doc 
IMC 0308 Att 3, App K Technical Basis for Maintenance Risk Assessment and Risk Management SDP 05/19/05 05-014 .doc 
IMC 0308 Att 4 Technical Basis for Assessment 07/28/05 05-022 .doc 
IMC 0308 Att 5 Technical Basis for Enforcement 10/16/06 06-027 .doc
IMC 0309 Reactive Inspection Decision Basis for Reactors 01/10/08 08-002 .doc
IMC 0312 Technical Assistance for Radiation Safety Inspections at Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities and Materials Licensees' Sites 06/06/02 02-023 .doc 
IMC 0313 Industry Trends Program 05/29/08 08-016 .doc
IMC 0320 Operating Reactor Security Oversight Process 07/01/08 08-018 .doc
IMC 0330 Guidance for NRC Review of Licensee Draft Documents 07/8/96 96-015
IMC 0350 Oversight of Reactor Facilities in a Shutdown Condition Due to Significant Performance and/or Operational Concerns 12/15/06 06-035 .doc
IMC 0608 Performance Indicator Program 02/27/07 07-007 .doc
IMC 0609 Significance Determination Process 08/05/08 08-023 .doc
IMC 0609 Att 1 Significance and Enforcement Review Panel Process 08/05/08 08-023 .doc
IMC 0609 Att 2 Process for Appealing NRC Characterization of Inspection Findings (SDP Appeal Process) 01/31/08 08-004 .doc
IMC 0609 Att 3 Senior Reactor Analyst Support Expectations 07/26/06 06-018 .doc
IMC 0609 Att 4 Phase 1 - Initial Screening and Characterization of Findings 01/10/08 08-002 .doc
IMC 0609 App A Determining the Significance of Reactor Inspection Findings for At-Power Situations 01/10/08 08-002 .doc
IMC 0609 App B Emergency Preparedness Significance Determination Process 03/06/03 03-007 .doc
IMC 0609 App C Occupational Radiation Safety Significance Determination Process 08/19/08 08-024 .doc
IMC 0609 App D Public Radiation Safety Significance Determination Process 02/12/08 08-007 .doc
IMC 0609 App F Fire Protection Significance Determination Process 02/28/05 05-007 .doc
IMC 0609 App F, Att 1 Attachment 1: Part 1: Application of Fire Protection SDP Phase 1 Worksheet 02/28/05 05-007 .doc
IMC 0609, App F, Att 2 Attachment 2: Degradation Rating Guidance Specific to Various Fire Protection Program Elements 02/28/05 05-007 .doc
IMC 0609 App F, Att 3 Attachment 3: Guidance for Identifying Fire Growth and Damage Scenarios 02/28/05 05-007 .doc 
IMC 0609 App F, Att 4 Attachment 4: Fire Ignition Source Mapping Information: Fire Frequency, Counting Instructions, Applicable Fire Severity Characteristics, and Applicable Manual Fire Suppression Curves 02/28/05 05-007 .doc
IMC 0609, App F, Att 5 Attachment 5: Characterizing Non-Simple Fire Ignition Sources 02/28/05 05-007 .doc
IMC 0609 App F, Att 6 Attachment 6: Guidance for the Identification of Targets and Their Ignition and Damage Criteria 02/28/05 05-007 .doc 
IMC 0609 App F, Att 7 Attachment 7: Guidance for Fire Growth and Damage Time Analysis 02/28/05 05-007 .doc
IMC 0609 App F, Att 8 Attachment 8: Guidance for Fire Non-Suppression Probability Analysis 02/28/05 05-007 .doc
IMC 0609 App G Shutdown Operations Significance Determination Process 02/28/05 05-007 .doc
IMC 0609 App G, Att 1 Phase 1 Operational Checklists for Both PWRs and BWRs 05/25/04 04-015 .doc 
IMC 0609 App G, Att 2 Phase 2 Significance Determination Process Template for PWR During Shutdown 02/28/05 05-007 .doc 
IMC 0609 App G, Att 3 Phase 2 Significance Determination Process Template for BWR During Shutdown 02/28/05 05-007 .doc 
IMC 0609 App H Containment Integrity Significance Determination Process 05/06/04 04-010 .doc 
IMC 0609 App I Operator Requalification Human Performance Significance Determination Process (SDP) 08/22/05 05-023 .doc 
IMC 0609 App J Steam Generator Tube Integrity Findings Significance Determination Process 05/06/04 04-010 .doc 
IMC 0609 App K Maintenance Risk Assessment and Risk Management Significance Determination Process 05/19/05 05-014 .doc 
IMC 0609 App M Significance Determination Process Using Qualitative Criteria 12/22/06 06-036 .doc
IMC 0610 Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Inspection Reports 05/18/04 04-014 .doc 
IMC 0612 Power Reactor Inspection Reports 09/20/07 07-029 .doc
IMC 0612 Exh 1 Standard Reactor Inspection Report Outline 09/30/05 05-028 .doc
IMC 0612 Exh 2 Inspection Report Documentation Matrix 09/30/05 05-028 .doc
IMC 0612 Exh 3 Sample Reactor Inspection Report 09/30/05 05-028 .doc
IMC 0612 Exh 4 Sample Cover Letters 09/20/07 07-029 .doc
IMC 0612 App A Acronyms Used in Inspection Manual Chapter 0612 09/30/05 05-028 .doc
IMC 0612 App B Issue Screening 09/20/07 07-029 .doc
IMC 0612, App C Guidance for Supplemental Inspections 06/20/03 03-021 .doc 
IMC 0612 App D Guidance for Documenting Inspection Procedure 71152, Identification and Resolution of Problems 06/22/06 06-015 .doc
IMC 0612 App E Examples of Minor Issues 09/20/07 07-029 .doc
IMC 0612 App F Examples of Cross-Cutting Aspects 06/22/06 06-015 .doc
IMC 0614

Documenting 10 CFR 52 Construction Audit Activities

10/03/07 07-030 .doc
IMC 0615 Research and Test Reactor Inspection Reports 06/23/04 04-018 .doc 
IMC 0616 Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards Inspection Reports 07/29/08 08-021 .doc 
IMC 0620 Inspection Documents and Records 01/27/06 06-002 .doc
IMC 0730 Generic Communications Regarding Materials and Fuel Cycle Issues 03/21/08 08-011 .doc
IMC 0801 Reactor Oversight Process Feedback Program 07/01/08 08-019 .doc
IMC 0970 Potentially Generic Items Identified by Regional Offices 12/11/00 00-024
IMC 1007 Interfacing Activities Between Regional Offices of NRC and OSHA 02/11/04 04-006 .doc 
IMC 1120 Preliminary Notifications 06/22/06 06-014 .doc
IMC 1201 Conduct of Employees 06/29/99 99-010
IMC 1202 Senior Resident Inspector Site Turnover 08/22/05 05-023 .doc 
IMC 1220 Processing of NRC Form 241 and Inspection of Agreement State Licensees Operating Under 10 CFR 150.20 05/1/03 03-013 .doc 
IMC 1230 Quality Assurance Program for Radiological Confirmatory Measurements 10/1/83 83-012
IMC 1232 Collection, Preparation, and Shipment of Independent Measurement Samples 11/18/86 86-052
IMC 1240 Unescorted Access at Power Reactors 12/01/04 04-027 .doc 
IMC 1245 Qualification Program for the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Programs 01/10/08 08-001 doc
IMC 1245 Att 1 General Overview of the Inspector Training and Qualification Program 10/31/06 06-032 .doc
IMC 1245 Att 2 Inspector Competencies 10/31/06 06-032 .doc
IMC 1245 Att 3 General Orientation Topics 10/31/06 06-032 .doc
IMC 1245 App A Basic-Level Training and Certification Journal 01/10/08 08-001 .doc
IMC 1245 App B General Proficiency-Level Training and Qualification Journal 01/10/08 08-001 .doc
IMC 1245 App C1 Reactor Operations Inspector Technical Proficiency Training and Qualification Journal 01/10/08 08-001 .doc
IMC 1245 App C2 Reactor Engineering Inspector Technical Proficiency Training and Qualification Journal 01/10/08 08-001 .doc
IMC 1245 App C3 Health Physics Inspector Technical Proficiency Training and Qualification Journal 10/16/06 06-027 .doc
IMC 1245 App C5 Research and Test Reactor Inspector Technical Proficiency Training and Qualification Journal 10/31/06 06-032 .doc
IMC 1245 App C6 Emergency Preparedness Inspector Technical Proficiency Training and Qualification Journal 08/24/04 04-022 .doc 
IMC 1245 App C8 Vendor Inspector Technical Proficiency Training and Qualification Journal 01/10/08 08-001 .doc
IMC 1245 App C9 Construction Inspector Technical Proficiency Training and Qualification Journal 05/01/03 03-014 .doc 
IMC 1245 App C10 Operator Licensing (OL) Examiner Technical Proficiency Training and Qualification Journal 10/31/06 06-032 .doc
IMC 1245 App D1 Senior Reactor Analyst Training and Qualification Program 10/31/06 06-032 .doc
IMC 1245 App D3 Engineering Specialties Training Areas 04/05/02 02-014 .doc
IMC 1246 Formal Qualification Programs in the Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Program Area 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246A Training Activities 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246A01 Training Requirements for Materials License Reviewer 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246A02 Training Requirements for Materials Health Physics Inspector 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246A03 Training Requirements for Fuel Cycle Safety Inspector 04/21/06 06-009 .doc
IMC 1246A04 Training Requirements for Fuel Cycle Safeguards Inspector Physical Security 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246A05 Training Requirements for NMSS Headquarters Fuel Cycle Safeguards Inspector Material Control and Accounting 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246A06 Att1 Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Training Requirements for Project Manager and Technical Reviewer 09/24/08 08-027 .doc
IMC 1246A06 Att 2 Training Requirements For Spent Fuel Storage And Transportation Inspector 09/24/08 08-027 .doc
IMC 1246A07 Training Requirements for Fuel Cycle License Reviewer 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246A08 Training Requirements for Division of Waste Management Inspectors and License Reviewers 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246A09 Training Requirements for Decommissioning Inspectors 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246A10 Training Requirements for Decommissioning Project Managers/Technical Reviewers 04/14/03 03-012 .doc
IMC 1246A11 Training Requirements for Materials Exempt Distribution License Reviewer 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246A12 Training Requirements for Uranium Recovery Inspector 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246A13 Training Requirements for Uranium Recovery License Reviewer 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246A14 Training Activities for High-Level Waste Repository Inspector 05/09/06 06-011 .doc
IMC 1246A15 High-Level Waste Repository License Technical Reviewers 04/14/03 03-012 .doc
IMC 1246A16 Training Requirements for Sealed Source and Device Reviewers 02/11/04 04-006 .doc
IMC 1246B NRC Inspector Training and Qualification Journal 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246B01 Materials License Reviewer 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246B02 Materials Radiation Specialist Inspector 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246B03 Fuel Cycle Safety Inspector 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246B04 Fuel Cycle Safeguards Inspector - Physical Security 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246B05 NMSS Headquarters Fuel Cycle Safeguards Inspector - Material Control and Accounting 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246B06 Att 1 Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Qualification Journal for Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Project Manager and Technical Reviewer 09/24/08 08-027 .doc
IMC 1246B06 Att 2 Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Qualification Journal for Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Inspector 09/24/08 08-027 .doc
IMC 1246B07 Fuel Cycle License Reviewer 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246B08 Division of Waste Management Inspector and License Reviewer 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246B09 Decommissioning Inspector 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246B10 Division of Waste Management Decommissioning Project Manager/Technical Reviewer 04/14/03 03-012 .doc
IMC 1246B11 Materials Exempt Distribution License Reviewer 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246B12 Uranium Recovery Inspector 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246B13 Uranium Recovery Project Manager/Technical Reviewer 01/5/01 01-002
IMC 1246B14 High-Level Waste Repository Inspector 05/09/06 06-011 .doc
IMC 1246B15 High-Level Waste Repository License Technical Reviewer 04/14/03 03-012 .doc
IMC 1246B16 Technical Reviewer Qualifications Journal - Byproduct Material Sealed Source and Device Reviewers 02/11/04 04-006 .doc
IMC 1252 Construction Inspector Training and Qualification Program 02/06/07 07-005 .doc
IMC 1252 App A Construction Inspector Training and Certification Journal 02/06/07 07-005 .doc
IMC 1252 App B Construction Inspector General Proficiency-Level Training and Qualification Journal 02/06/07 07-005 .doc
IMC 1252, App C Construction Inspector Technical Proficiency Level Training and Qualification Journal 02/06/07 07-005 .doc
IMC 1301 Response to Radioactive Material Incidents That Do Not Require Activation of the NRC Incident Response Plan 10/20/00 00-022 .doc
IMC 1302 Follow-up Actions and Action Levels for Radiation Exposures Associated with Materials Incidents Involving Members of the Public 07/14/05 05-019 .doc
IMC 1303 Requesting Emergency Acceptance of Radioactive Material by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) 11/29/07 07-037 .doc
IMC 1330 Response to Transportation Accidents Involving Radioactive Materials 10/06/04 04-025 .doc
IMC 1360 Use of Physicians and Scientific Consultants in the Medical Consultant Program 11/02/06 06-033 .doc
IMC 1415 State Contracts Program for Environmental Monitoring 06/28/91 91-009
IMC 1601 Communication and Coordination Protocol for Determining the Status of Offsite Emergency Preparedness Following a Natural Disaster, Malevolent Act, or Extended Plant Shutdown 07/07/05 05-018 .doc
IMC 2300 Yucca Mountain Inspection Program: License Application Review Period 09/11/08 08-026 .doc
IMC 2401 Near-Surface Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility Inspection Program 11/27/01 01-028 .doc
IMC 2410 Conduct of Observation Audits 07/12/00 00-012
IMC 2501 Construction Inspection Program: Early Site Permit (ESP) 10/03/07 07-030 .doc
IMC 2502 Construction Inspection Program: Pre-Combined License (Pre-COL) Phase 10/03/07 07-030 .doc
IMC 2503 Construction Inspection Program: Inspections of Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC) 10/03/07 07-030 .doc
IMC 2504

Construction Inspection Program - Non-ITAAC Inspections

10/03/07 07-030 .doc
IMC 2507

Construction Inspection Program: Vendor Inspections

10/03/07 07-030 .doc
IMC 2508

Construction Inspection Program: Design Certification

10/03/07 07-030 .doc
IMC 2509 Browns Ferry Unit 1 Restart Project Inspection Program 09/08/03 03-032 .doc
IMC 2512

Light Water Reactor Inspection Program - Construction Phase

10/16/07 07-032
IMC 2512 App I

Light Water Reactor Inspection Program - Construction Phase - Procedure List

10/16/07 07-032
IMC 2513 Light Water Reactor Inspection Program � Preoperational Testing And Operational Preparedness Phase 08/05/08 08-023 .doc
IMC 2513 App A Light Water Reactor � Preoperational Testing Phase 08/05/08 08-023 .doc
IMC 2513 App B Light Water Reactor � Operational Preparedness Phase 08/05/08 08-023 .doc
IMC 2514 Light Water Reactor Inspection Program -- Startup Testing Phase 08/12/89 89-013 .doc
IMC 2514 App A Startup Test Program Inspection Procedures 10/11/94 94-018 .doc
IMC 2515 Light-Water Reactor Inspection Program -- Operations Phase 05/01/08 08-014 .doc
IMC 2515 App A Risk-Informed Baseline Inspection Program 09/03/08 08-025 .doc
IMC 2515 App B Supplemental Inspection Program 01/26/07 07-004 .doc
IMC 2515 App C Special and Infrequently Performed Inspections 01/10/08 08-001 .doc
IMC 2515 App D Plant Status 09/03/08 08-025 .doc
IMC 2515 App E Inspection Program Modifications During a Pandemic 01/26/07 07-004 .doc
IMC 2516 Policy and Guidance for the License Renewal Inspection Program 02/18/05 05-006 .doc
IMC 2517 Watts Bar Unit 2 Construction Inspection Program 02/15/08 08-008 .doc
IMC 2530 Integrated Design Inspection Program 04/24/85 85-017 .doc
IMC 2535 Design Verification Programs 03/24/89 89-007
IMC 2545 Research and Test Reactor Inspection Program 06/23/04 04-018 .doc
IMC 2561 Decommissioning Power Reactor Inspection Program 04/14/03 03-012 .doc
IMC 2600 Fuel Cycle Facility Operational Safety and Safeguards Inspection Program 03/21/08 08-011 .doc
IMC 2600 App A Guidance for Conducting Fuel Cycle Inspections 08/15/07 07-025 .doc
IMC 2600 App B NRC Core Inspection Requirements...Tables 1 and 2 03/21/08 08-011 .doc
IMC 2600 App C Fuel Cycle Resident Inspection Program 08/15/07 07-025 .doc
IMC 2600 App D Fuel Cycle Facility Inspection Planning 03/21/08 08-011 .doc
IMC 2601 Team Assessments of Fuel Cycle and Materials Licensees 05/4/90 90-004
IMC 2602 Decommissioning Oversight and Inspection Program for Fuel Cycle Facilities and Materials Licensees 07/29/08 08-021 .doc
IMC 2603 Inspection of the Nuclear Chemical Process Safety Program at Fuel Cycle Facilities 01/16/96 96-001
IMC 2604 Licensee Performance Review 06/28/02 02-024
IMC 2610 Resident Inspection Program at Nuclear Fuel Services Plant Erwin, Tennessee 01/9/86 86-001
IMC 2620 On-Site Construction Reviews of Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Mill Tailing Sites (Title I, Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act) 10/05/01 01-020 .doc
IMC 2630 Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility Construction Inspection Program 05/18/05 05-013 .doc
IMC 2641 In-Situ Leach Facilities Inspection Program 08/25/00 00-014 .doc
IMC 2690 Inspection Program for Dry Storage of Spent Reactor Fuel at Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations and for Part 71 Transportation Packagings 08/04/08 08-022 .doc
IMC 2694 USEC Inc. Gas Centrifuge Facility Construction and Pre-Operational Readiness Review Inspection Programs 05/16/07 07-016 .doc
IMC 2696 Louisiana Energy Services Gas Centrifuge Facility Construction and Pre-Operational Readiness Review Inspection Programs 10/19/06 06-028 .doc
IMC 2700 Vendor Inspection Program 10/29/90 90-013
IMC 2800 Materials Inspection Program 09/28/05 05-027 .doc
IMC 2801 Uranium Mill 11e.(2) Byproduct Material Disposal Site and Facility Inspection Program 08/25/00 00-014 .doc
IMC 2810 Master Material License Inspection Program 09/15/03 03-034 .doc
IMC 2815 Construction and Preoperational Inspection of Panoramic, Wet-Source-Storage Gamma Irradiators 03/27/01 01-010 .doc
IMC 2882 Transfer of NRC License Files to Agreement State(s) 12/03/01 01-029 .doc
IMC 2900 Performance Appraisal Program DI 04/4/85 85-014
IMC 2901 Team Inspections 08/24/01 01-016 .doc
IMC 2920 Construction Appraisal Team Inspection Program 03/29/85 85-011

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