Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)



  • What happens when I receive something different from what I ordered or the material is damaged?
  • A: Receiving will normally flag an item that arrives that does not appear on the order or is damaged and notifies the buyer. If materials are delivered to the Requester that are still wrong or damaged, notify the buyer who will arrange for a "Return to Vendor" of the incorrect or damaged material and a replacement shipment from the vendor.


  • If I receive an order directly for some reason, (e.g., materials directly delivered to my office; service provided by vendor) what do I do with the packing slip?
  • A: When materials or services are delivered directly to a Requester without going through Receiving, the Requester should forward the packing list to Receiving with a note saying that the materials or services were delivered to the Requester and requesting that Receiving enter a receipt in the purchasing system. (Blanket orders and B2B System Contracts do not require that this be done).


  • How are perishables handled by Receiving?
  • A: Receiving and Transportation will expedite processing and internal delivery of perishable items to the requester if, the package is marked perishable by a vendor or the order has a Receiving Comment noting that the item is perishable.


  • How does Receiving handle FedEx orders?
  • A: Receiving and Transportation will expedite processing and internal delivery of packages which arrive via FedEx.


  • Can I pick up an order at Receiving?  If so, what is the process?
  • A: To pickup an order directly from Receiving, without having it delivered by normal LBNL Transportation means, enter a Comment in the ePro requisition line saying that pickup from Receiving, Bldg. 69 is requested and to notify the Requester when the package arrives. Click the "Shown at Receipt" checkbox below the ePro comment.