Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



August 13, 2004

Global Crop Watch

Click on the images to see this week's Crop Watch updates.

Global Crop Watch table - August 13, 2004

Global Crop Watch Summary - August 13, 2004.  The weather has been generally favorable for the wheat crop in Australia and summer crops in China, U.S., western Europe, and Russia.  Monsoon rain eased dryness in India and Pakistan.  Cool weather continues to slow crop development in Canada.

August 2004 Lockup Summary - total world production

August 2004 Lockup -Total World Crop Production Summary.  This table shows total world grain, oilseed and cotton production estimates as published in World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates on August 12.  The world grain production estimate was raised 20 million tons this month.  Oilseed production was slightly lower, but world cotton production was raised to a record 106.6 million bales.   

August 2004 Lockup Summary - world crops

August 2004 Lockup -Foreign Crop Summary.  This table shows significant grain production changes in major producing countries as published in World Agricultural Production on August 12.  Rice production dropped in India and Bangladesh due to irregular monsoon rainfall.  Wheat production increased in China, Russia, Ukraine and Canada due to higher expected yields.  Favorable weather improved corn yields in China and Romania. 

China - Percent Soil Moisture map - July 31, 2004

Favorable Soil Moisture in China for Corn.  Soil moisture was plentiful in most of China's corn-growing region (indicated on the map) as of July 31.  Only a small part of Northeast China has seen drought conditions this year. Corn was filling in the Northeast; silking in the North China Plain.  

China Rainfall Graph

China - Abundant Rainfall for Summer Crops.  The North China Plain, China's most important corn-producing region, has received above-normal rainfall this season.  Surplus rainfall in late July should benefit non-irrigated crops.  In 2003, excessive rain from July through October caused significant flooding and yield losses.  For more weather data, go to  Crop Explorer.  

China Satellite image - July 22, 2004

China - AVHRR Satellite Image of the North China Plain, July 22, 2004.  On this image, vegetation is depicted in shades of red, clouds are white, water is black or shades of blue.  Summer crops appear to be growing very well, with no sign of flooding or drought.
China corn photo

China - Photo of Corn in Henan Province, July 2004.  This photo was taken by a USDA staffer during field travel in northern China in July.  Local farmers reported no problems with the 2004/05 corn crop, which was in the vegetative stage.  Very good yields were expected given normal weather through the end of the season.  

India Soil Moisture Map, July 31, 2004

Poor Monsoon Performance in India.  The soil moisture map for July 31 highlights areas of dryness and excessive wetness in South Asia caused by the irregular monsoon.  Drought in western and central India, as well as flooding in eastern India and Bangladesh, have hurt rice production this year.   

India Rainfall Graph

Northern India - Irregular Monsoon Rainfall.  Rainfall has been very uneven this year in northern India, a major rice-growing region.  The monsoon started nearly on schedule in June, but the rain ended suddenly in July, long before the normal end of the monsoon season.
India rainfall map, August 10, 2004

India - Monsoon Rain Returns in August.  Moderate to heavy rainfall has covered South Asia since August 1, providing badly-needed moisture for summer crops.  However, the rain may have come too late to permit additional planting to occur.   

U.S. Drought Monitor

U.S. Drought Monitor Map, August 10, 2004.  The eastern U.S. continues to be drought-free.  Recent rainfall eased drought conditions in parts of the Great Plains and central Rockies.  Drought has intensified in the West.  The Southwest and northern Rockies remain very dry and the fire danger is high.  For more details, go to the Drought Monitor website

U.S. and Mexico 7-day rainfall map.

United States and Mexico 7-day Accumulated Precipitation Map, ending August 11, 2004.  Seasonably dry and hot weather persisted in the western US.  Widespread moderate to heavy rainfall favored summer crop development in Mexico and the Great Plains.  Some local storm damage was reported.  Light rain maintained adequate moisture in the northern Plains and Corn Belt.  Cool temperatures slowed crop development in the upper Midwest.  Florida and the East Coast are expecting more heavy rain from TS Bonnie and Hurricane Charley.  

Map of the Path of Hurricane Charley, August 13, 2004

The Path of Hurricane Charley, August 13, 2004.  Strong winds (over 100 mph) and heavy rain are expected in Florida from Hurricane Charley.  For the latest information, go to the National Hurricane Center website.

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