Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



September 26, 2003

Global Crop Watch

Click on the images to see this week's Crop Watch updates.

Global Crop Watch table - September 26, 2003

Global Crop Watch Summary for September 26, 2003.  Warm weather returned to Europe last week, and it was unusually hot in Argentina.  There were light showers in Australia,  widespread rainfall in eastern China, and storms in Japan.  Wet weather covered the eastern US Corn Belt. 

Australia - Rainfall map for September 14 - 20, 2003 and seasonal rainfall charts

Australia - Rainfall Map for September 14 - 20, 2003 and Seasonal Graphs.  Light showers helped the wheat crop in western and southeast Australia.  Seasonal rainfall has been very good in the west but slightly below normal in the east.


India summer monsoon rainfall map for June through August, 2003

India - Summer Monsoon Rainfall Map for June through August, 2003.  India had a favorable monsoon this year, with adequate to abundant rainfall in most crop areas.  Flooding was reported in parts of northern, eastern and central India, affecting rice production.  Showers continued last week, but the monsoon has started to recede.

Europe temperature departure map for June through August, 2003.

Europe - Temperature Departure Map for June through August, 2003.  According to Swiss meteorologists, Europe suffered from the hottest summer in 500 years in 2003.  The heat caused major crop damage to winter and summer crops and led to thousands of deaths.  Warm and mostly dry weather continued into September.

China rainfall map for September 14 - 20, 2003

China - Rainfall Map for September 14 - 20, 2003.  Widespread and locally heavy showers eased dry conditions in southern China for the late rice crop but delayed summer crop maturing/harvesting in parts of the North China Plain, where excessive rainfall since August has caused flooding and crop losses.  Mild and mostly dry weather last week in the Northeast favored maturing crops.

China soil moisture map for Spetmber 20, 2003 and graphs.

China - Soil Moisture Map for September 20, 2003 and Graphs.  Soil moisture levels are very high across the North China Plain following abundant rainfall in August and September.  Moisture is more than adequate for winter wheat planting, which will start this month and continue through October.  Soil moisture is much better than last year, when China suffered from a summer/autumn drought.

Satellite image of Hurricane Isabel - September 17, 2003

Satellite Image of Hurricane Isabel on September 17, 2003.  This GOES water vapor image of Hurricane Isabel clearly shows the circulation pattern and bands of heavy rain.  The image is courtesy of NOAA.

Hurricane Isabel - Forecast Path of the storm as of September 17, 2003.

Hurricane Isabel - Forecast Path of the Storm as of September 17, 2003.  The actual path and speed of the storm on September 18 and 19 was very close to the forecast. 

US and Mexico cumulative precipitation map for 7 days ending September 24, 2003

US and Mexico Cumulative Precipitation Map for 7 days ending September 24, 2003.  It was generally mild and dry in the West.  Scattered showers in the Great Plains improved moisture conditions for the winter wheat crop.  Widespread, locally heavy rain covered parts of the eastern Corn Belt, slowing crop development.  Hurricane Isabel dropped heavy rain in the Mid-Atlantic states.  Wet and stormy weather covered most of Mexico. 

US Seasonal Drought Outlook through December 2003.  Improvement was seen over the last few weeks on the Great Plains.  The Northwest needs more rainfall to improve reservoirs and sub-soil moisture.  Drought may become a problem in Iowa.

Rainfall graph for North Central Montana

Rainfall Graph for North Central Montana.  Recent rainfall will aid the establishment of the 2004 winter wheat crop, planted in August and September.  This is a major winter and spring wheat producing district in Montana. 

Rainfall Graph for South Central Kansas.  This is the number one wheat producing district in the US.  Recent rainfall will boost moisture levels for the 2004 winter wheat crop, planted in September and October. 

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