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Canned Fruit

Circulars and Presentations
Trade Data
Price Information
Production Information
Commodity Links
Market Share
Circular & Presentation Bar


Circular: World Situation and Outlook articles for Canned Deciduous Fruit were published until August 2003.

November 2000
May 2000
May 2001
November 2001
June 2002
October 2002
August 2003

FAS Attaché Reports: The Global Agriculture Information Network (GAIN) is a Web-based system that allows users to search the FAS database of overseas reports from 1995 to the present. Users can search reports by date range, country, commodity, or key word in the title. FAS overseas offices submit more than 3,000 reports per year, approximately half of which are scheduled periodic reports. Canned Deciduous Fruit reports contain information concerning canned peaches and canned pears are received from the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Chile, Greece, Italy, Spain, and South Africa. Search by keyword, including country and commodity.


FAS Production, Supply and Distribution


Trade Data

Production, Supply, and Distribution Database: The FAS PSDonline database contains current and historical official USDA data on production, supply and distribution of agricultural commodities for the United States and key producing and consuming countries. The data for canned deciduous fruit was updated on March 6, 2007.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Offers information on imports/exports from countries around the world, not necessarily to/from the US.

U.S. Trade Data: Offers historical U.S. trade data for 67 commodities. All trade files include five years of historical data as well as year-to-date trade data. These files can be viewed or saved in .pdf or Microsoft Excel format. Trade data is available for raisins and prunes.


Price Information

FAS does not carry price information. However, the Food Insitute does publish list prices. contact www.foodinstitute.com


Production Information

U.S. Industry

California Canning Peach Association
230 River Plaza Drive, Suite 110
Sacramento, California 95833

Telephone 916 925-9131
FAX: 916 925-9030

U.S. Government

USDA National Agricultural Statistical Service


Commodity Links

California Department of Agriculture - http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/
Economic Research Service -



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Last modified: Wednesday, July 21, 2004