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Apple in Tree Pic

Circular & Presentation Bar


World Apple Situation May 2007 issue
World Apple Situation December 2006 issue
World Apple Situation April 2006  issue
World Apple Situation March 2005 issue
Apples - A Graphics Presentation April 2004 charts


Apple Petition Denied
Federal Register Vol. 69 No.65, Monday, April 5, 2004:  The Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service denied a petition for trade adjustment assistance (TAA) that was filed on February 23, 2004, by a group of apple producers in Rappahannock County, Virginia.  Upon Investigation, the Administrator determined that processing apple prices did not decline by more than 20 percent during the July 2002-June 2003 marketing year from the previous 5-year average, a condition required for certifying a petition for TAA.  For inquiries, e-mail: trade.assistance@fas.usda.gov  

FAS Attaché Reports - Search through the country reports prepared by FAS Attaches covering nearly 130 countries. Search by keyword, including country and commodity. 

For a detailed, updated or personalized searches please click on FAS Attaché Reports and search by keyword, subject or date and country.


Trade Data

Apples: Production, Supply and Distribution in Selected Countries
Trade Data

Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO) - Offers information on imports/exports from countries around the world, not necessarily to/from the US.

US Trade Data - Offers historical U.S. trade data for 67 commodities. All trade files include five years of historical data as well as year-to-date trade data. These files can be viewed or saved in .pdf or Lotus format.


Price Information

Green Apples in TreeFAS does not carry price information. However, the Food Auction of wholesale prices are available under Market News Reports - Fruit and Vegetable, through USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) .


Production Information

Many Baskets of Apples PicNational Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) - Prepares reports covering virtually every facet of U.S. agriculture -- production and supplies of food and fiber, prices paid and received by farmers, farm labor and wages, and farm aspects of the industry.


Commodity Links

Agricultural Marketing Service - http://www.ams.usda.gov/
California Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service -
Idaho Department of Agriculture -
Massachusetts Department of Food and Agriculture -
Michigan Department of Agriculture -
Oregon Department of Agriculture -
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture -
US Apple Export Council -
Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Washington Apple Commission -
Washington State Department of Agriculture


Apples Pic


for additional information, please contact the appropriate analyst.

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Last modified: Wednesday, July 21, 2004