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Grain: World Markets and Trade
Foreign Agricultural Service Circular Series
FG 09-04

September 2004 

China To Be Net Grain Importer,
As Supplies Continue to Fall

 Bar chart of China's grain supply (production and carryin stocks) in million tons from 2000/2001 to 2004/2005 (projected)  Bar chart of China's grain trade (imports and exports; coarse grains, wheat, and rice) in million tons from 2002/2003 to 2004/2005 (projected).

China this year is expected to return as a net grain importer for the first time in nearly a decade as production, although up, remains below consumption and supplies continue to tighten. For wheat, exports have slowed considerably in recent months while imports have surged to nearly a million tons a month. Despite large imports and higher production, stocks are expected to continue to shrink, albeit at a much slower rate than in previous years. For corn, despite the recent approval of 3 million tons of export quotas, the government appears to be no longer intent on supporting exports with subsidies, without which exporters cannot compete in the international market. Since the announcement of the quotas last month, both JGG and COFCO (the only two state-authorized exporters) have been slow in signing up new contracts. For rice, although production is expected to increase, exports will drop below traditional levels. Shipments in the last few months have nearly disappeared as it seems the government has turned its focus to supplying the domestic rather than the international market. 

Green ball image Complete Grain Report in PDF: Text and Tables

Green ball image All Grain Summary Tables: Foreign Countries and US Data

Green ball image World Markets and Trade: Commentary and Current Data

Wheat Commentary [Text]  [Adobe Acrobat Format]
Wheat Data Tables    [Excel Spreadsheet Format]   [Adobe Acrobat Format]
Rice Commentary   [Text]   [Adobe Acrobat Format]
Rice Data Tables    [Excel Spreadsheet Format]   [Adobe Acrobat Format]
Coarse Grains Commentary [Text] [Adobe Acrobat Format]
Coarse Grains Data Tables Excel Spreadsheet Format]   [Adobe Acrobat Format]

Green ball image Historical Data Tables: Selected Regions and Countries

Green ball image Notice to readers: 
Beginning January 2004, printed versions of the Grain: World Markets and Trade circular are no longer published.  The online issue of the circular, which includes Summary Tables, Situation and Outlook reports, and Historical Data Series for Selected Regions and Countries, is available via the FAS Web site (http://www.fas.usda.gov/grain/).

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Last modified: Thursday, November 13, 2003