Procurement Forms

Sole Source Form


This form is submitted to Procurement, with your Purchase Requisition for:

  • Any requirement estimated to be over $100,000 where only one source will be solicited.
  • Intra-University Transactions (with the Campus) estimated to be over $25,000; and
  • Transactions with DOE Management and Operation (M&O) contractors, regardless of dollar amount.

Further information about sole source transactions appears in SP 6.2.


eProcurement Requisition Worksheet

This worksheet may be printed, filled-in by hand, and given to a PRP Requisition Preparer to enter as an eProcurement requisition. You can also complete the form using Microsoft Word, save it, and email the filled-in form to a requisition preparer. The worksheet is setup similar to the eProcurement requisition screens and has Description areas which may be copied and pasted into ePro.


Foreign Justification Form

Approval to purchase a foreign end product or construction materials over $2,500 must be obtained from a Procurement Supervisor. Here is further information about foreign purchases.


For foreign end-product supplies, buyers & PCardholders must complete the form Request for Determination – Supplies of Foreign Origin and submit to the Procurement Supervisor. The approving supervisor for Field Buyers and Cardholders is Eileen Nasto (MS 937R200).


Use the form Request for Determination - Foreign Construction Materials for construction subcontractor-provided construction materials that will be of foreign origin. The approving supervisor is Sarah Eary (MS 69R0102).


Advance Acquisition Alert Form

This Microsoft Word form lets you alert Procurement of your upcoming requirements over $500,000. Here is further information on Procurements over $500,000.


Advance Acquisition Plan

This must accompany purchase requests for acquisitions over $500,000.


Request for Consultant/Personal Services Agreement

To obtain Consultant/Personal Services:

1. Submit an eProcurement requisition
2. Attach to its first line, the Request for Consultant/Personal Services Agreement AND
3. The OCI Pre-Procurement Fact Sheet.
4. Obtain an IRS W9 form from the consultant and forward it to Procurement. It is available at the IRS Web site at


OCI Pre-procurement Fact Sheet

For making Organizational Conflict of Interest (OCI) determinations


Unauthorized Commitment Form

To process unauthorized commitments (see SP 1.3).


Freezer/Refrigerator/Microwave Oven Justification

Required when requisitioning the above items.


HEPA Vacuums/Filters Justification

Required when requisitioning the above items.


Waiver to Purchase Noise Reducing/Canceling Headsets

Required when requisitioning the above items.


Trade-In Approval

Required for items to be traded, traded-in, or upgraded.


Subcontractor Job Hazard Analysis (SJHA)

Attached to ePro requisitions and sent to subcontractors doing on-site hands-on work. The form is located at the Non-Construction Subcontractor Safety Assurance website



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