Information Technology (IT) Division Berkeley Lab logo Information Technology (IT) Division masthead

Berkeley Lab Library


1. Archives and Records
2. Current Awareness
3. Interlibrary Loan Requests
4. Ordering desk copies of books and journal subscriptions
5. Photocopies
6. Publishing at Berkeley Lab
7. Renewal of Berkeley Lab Library Materials
8. Translations

1. Archives and Records

2. Current Awareness
A current awareness service or SDI (Selective Dissemination of Information)allows you to have a literature search run automatically on a continuing basis. Every time the appropriate databases are updated, your search is run against them. This gives you quick access to the most recently published material in your field of interest. Charges for this service are structured similarly to those for online database searching in that they depend upon the fee schedule for the database, the number of citations retrieved and the frequency with which the database is updated (and therefore how often the recurring search is run). To set up an SDI service call the Library at 510-486-5621. The databases on MELVYL also have a current awareness mechanism. Type help update at any MELVYL prompt for information.

3. Interlibrary Loan Requests

4. Ordering desk copies of books and journal subscriptions
The Library Processing Section (Building 50-4034, x6922) orders materials for non-Library use (i.e., desk and office copies) from a wide variety of sources. We order books, journals, standards, reports, maps, manuals, videos - just about any form of information.
We can obtain fast delivery and often receive a discount. For this service we charge a handling fee of $20 for any number of items from one publisher. Since many publishers' warehouses are on the east coast, average delivery is 2-3 weeks unless the material is available locally, but overnight or 2-day air shipment is available. If the cost of an item is less than $100, individuals may purchase the material using a ProCard or obtaining reimbursement under the provisions of LBNL petty cash reimbursement procedures. We are unable to assist in these transactions.

To order any of these materials, please use our
Library Purchase Request Form.

5. Photocopies
The libraries do not provide a photocopying service, but there is a photocopy machine in or near each library for your use. You may use the same access system to activate the machines in the Building 50 Library as you use in the LBNL Copy Centers. Other libraries use a log sheet or other accountability methods. Please ask the librarian if you have questions.
Copyright law restricts copying to single copies for research. Check with the librarian if you need to remove a book or journal from the library for a short time for photocopying.

6. Publishing at Berkeley Lab

7. Renewal of Berkeley Lab Library Materials

8. Translations
If you need a translation of foreign-language material, consult a librarian first. We subscribe to some journals in cover-to-cover translation. If the item has not been translated, we can arrange for a translation. The cost of the translation will be charged to your account.

Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Last modified Wednesday, 23-Jul-08 10:04:59
