
Wednesday, November 10, 2004

common sense on: quitting smoking

This November 18th millions of smokers will be challenged to kick butts – literally – during the Great American Smokeout. You can join millions of other smokers in saying "no thanks" to cigarettes for 24 hours, or help your friends and family members quit.

The first national Great American Smokeout was held in 1977 and for the past 27 years the American Cancer Society (ACS) has helped smokers stop for at least one day, in hopes they will quit forever. For more information visit or call 1-800-ACS-2345.

Q: Senator, just how dangerous is smoking?

A: Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Smoking kills more Americans than alcohol, AIDS, car accidents, illegal drugs, suicides and murders combined. Smoking damages almost every organ in the human body, is related to at least 10 cancers, and accounts for nearly 30% of all deaths from cancer. Bear in mind, too, that smoking can cause respiratory illnesses and heart disease.

Q: I’ve tried to quit before, and failed. What encouragement can you offer?

A: The good news is that there are dramatic and immediate health benefits when you stop smoking: blood circulation increases, blood pressure and heart rate can return to normal; breathing is easier; and your sense of taste and smell improve. One year after quitting, a person’s additional risk of heart disease is cut in half. Fifteen years after quitting, the risk is the same as if they never smoked at all.

Q: I want to quit smoking. Where can I turn for help?

A: There is a lot of support available to help you reach your goal. Assistance programs are available from hospitals, clinics, schools, government agencies, work sites, community organizations and the Internet. For the program nearest you, contact the Iowa Department of Public Health at (515) 278-6225. Iowans can also contact the American Cancer Society at (515) 253-0147, or the American Lung Association at (515) 278-5864. Remember, anytime is a great time to stop smoking.