Home > Products > Change the World, Start with ENERGY STAR > Participating Organizations > Greenville Public School District Gifted Education Program, grades 2-6, Greenville, MS

Greenville Public School District Gifted Education Program, grades 2-6, Greenville, MS

Greenville Public School District Gifted Education Program grades 2-6 located in Greenville, MS.

Take the ENERGY STAR Pledge

Change the World, Start with ENERGY STAR:

2008-2009 Goal: 519,800 lbs.
Current Total: 0 lbs.
% to Goal: 0%

Questions about your Goal?

If you have questions about setting or changing your goal, please email changetheworld@energystar.gov.

Cumulative Savings

Greenhouse Gas Emissions (lbs.) 0
Dollars $0
kWh 0
BTUs 0

This organization is a member of National Energy Education Development Project (NEED) that is also participating in the pledge. See National Energy Education Development Project (NEED)'s progress too!

Past Success:

The Change a Light Campaign

Cumulative Total Pledge [2007 – 2008]
# of Pledges 11
# of Bulbs 287
Energy Savings 80,934 kWh
Cost Savings $7,527
*Greenhouse Gas 117,383 lbs.

* pounds of emissions prevented