Last Update: 08/31/2006 Printer Friendly Printer Friendly   Email This Page Email This Page  

Report of the National Reading Panel:
Teaching Children to Read



The National Reading Panel wishes to express its gratitude to the following individuals for their contributions to its effort.

Marilyn AdamsEd BouchardHarris CooperGerald Duffy
Michelle EidlitzBarbara FoormanDavid FrancisEster Halberstam
Blair JohnsonAlisa KennyHelen S. KimMarjolaine Limbos
Khalil NouraniSimone NunesElizabeth S. PangJoan Pagnucco
Michael PressleyDavid ReinkingScott J. RossBarbara Schuster
Robin SidhuSteven StahlMaggie ToplakZoreh Yaghoubzadeh

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