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Tools for agencies
Best practices Water-related permits project
Survey tools
Customer service tools
Program evaluation
Other tools
Consolidation renewal project
Best practices
A library of best practices from within state government, local government around Oregon, and from leading streamlining efforts in the U.S. and Canada.
  • Executive direction. Changing the culture of a regulatory agency can be supported and is often driven by the executive management of the agency. Clear, concise, actionable instructions regarding rules, procedures and customer service philosophy can help. Here are three good examples:
  • Agency performance measures. This document (.pdf), from the Oregon Progress Board, includes a summary of all state agency customer service and efficiency performance measures. The report also includes some current performance data. Use this as a piece to generate ideas rather than any kind of model. Many agencies are just beginning to establish these kinds of measures and they range from quite good to needing a lot more development. For more information, contact Rita Conrad at the Oregon Progress Board at rita.r.conrad@state.or.us.
  • Customer service in employee recognition programs. Ensuring good customer service is valued can be a challenge for any regulatory agency. This is especially true in an atmosphere where the customer can´t "always be right." Employee recognition programs are one way to help reinforce a variety of values, including good customer service. They don´t need to be fancy, but often it´s a struggle just to find the time to draft the needed policy. Here´s one example (.pdf) from the Division of Finance and Corporate Securities that could serve as a model for drafting your own program.

Survey tools
A set of customer satisfaction and other survey tools. Most agencies conduct these surveys, but their quality varies quite a bit. We hope to provide everything from basic survey guidelines to training programs, to an on-line survey tool for your use.
  • Web user survey. This survey and report was used by the Department of Environmental Quality to assess the effectiveness of its Web site. In addition to a report of the results, you will find a discussion of the methodology used, and a sample survey instrument.
  • Customer satisfaction survey. This link consists of two documents. The first is a customer satisfaction survey report prepared for the Oregon Economic and Community Development. The report includes discussion of survey methodology (.pdf) and actual results (.pdf). The second document is the survey instrument itself (.pdf).
  • Oregon OSHA compliance officer survey. This survey is a continuous improvement tool used by Oregon OSHA to monitor performance of its field compliance staff and to identify areas of strength and needs for improvement. This is a good example of a survey based on objective performance indicators ("Did the compliance officer conduct an opening conference?") rather than subjective opinions about service (highly satisfied, not satisfied, etc).
  • DEQ customer service report. This document is a combination of a survey report and agency action plan to improve customer service. DEQ has done a good job of quantifying concerns with regulatory processes, then identifying, executing and reporting on changes. For more information, contact Nina DeConcini at nina.deconcini@state.or.us.

Customer service tools
A set of customer service training tools including principles for good customer service and off-the-shelf training programs.
  • Customer service focused interview and selection process — managers guide: Developed by staff of the Human Resources Services at the Department of Consumer and Business Services, this is an excellent guide for managers to use when hiring counter, line, and other direct client contact staff. The guide helps managers interview and select staff based on the candidate´s actual customer service skills and work history, not just on resume or application information. The guide includes an extensive library of interview questions oriented toward learning about customer service skills and experience. Please note: this guide was developed specifically for DCBS. As a result, some content is tailored specifically toward that agency´s needs, and may need to be adjusted to meet your specific hiring procedures and needs.

Program evaluation
Program evaluation background, training, and tools, both for streamlining and new rule adoption.
Other tools

Consolidation renewal project
Small Retailer Consolidation Renewal Project
The purpose of the Small Retailer Consolidated Renewal Project is to successfully administer and coordinate the consolidated renewal of annual licenses and certification requirements of the Department of Agriculture (DOA), Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) for a pilot population of small retailers and convenience stores.
Small Retailer Consolidated Renewal Project - Complete Book  .pdf
Small Retailer Project Contact Matrix .pdf
Electronic payment flowchart .pdf
Consolidated renewal process flowchart  .pdf
2004 meeting minutes:

Water-related permits project
Streamlining water-related permitting for "remove-fill" projects
WRPPIT brochure - Before I use this . . . I may need this.pdf
An overview providing general information for the most common types of permits and requirements for land and water development practices that includes a list of state and local contacts for more information.

Page updated: February 28, 2007

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