Monett Middle School, Monett, MO, United States

04 March 1998

When the meteorologists from a local television station in Joplin, Missouri, visited GLOBE students at Monett Middle School last month, they didn't just come to talk about the weather. They came to broadcast it! Sam Lane and Gary Bandy from KSN-TV broadcast their December 17, 1998 midday forecast from Monett Middle School, where seventh graders have been reporting data since 1995. In fact, Monett Middle School recently reported their 1000th GLOBE reading. The television weather report included the data collected by the students that day.

"These kids can pick out clouds like you wouldn't believe," said GLOBE Teacher Steve Coyle. "They are getting so good now that they can estimate the cloud elevations. When they hear about El Nino in weather forecasts, they understand what they are hearing." Lane and Bandy were able to see that these students have become quite sophisticated about the weather. Lane said he would return to do his broadcast from Monett again some day. In the meantime he is hoping to get regular contributions for his weather reports from the GLOBE students.

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