Huntingdon Middle School, Huntingdon, PA, USA

17 October 1997

Congratulations to the GLOBE students at Huntingdon Middle School for receieving the 1997 Conservation Youth Group of the Year Award for the state of Pennsylvania! The students, pictured here, were honored at a March 22, 1997 banquet by the PA Wildlife Federation.

These GLOBE students, and their teacher Frederic Wilson, have been monitoring the water quality near their school and educating the community about issues of storm water run-off. The students have also planted trees and helped raise funds to build a wetland to detain storm water. The young people led a letter-writing campaign that resulted in a significant grant for new sewer lines in their community.

Mr. Wilson and his colleague, Mr. Timothy Julian, have created a plan for integrating environmental education into their school curriculum which they call STREAMS. Visit for more information on this outstanding project.

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