Glendover Global Studies School, Lexington, KY, United States

26 April 1998

glen1b~1.jpg On, March 26, 1998, students from the Glendover Global Studies Elementary School in Lexington, KY traveled to Washington, D.C. to demonstrate how they collect meteorological data for use by scientists. This was the first-ever demonstration of the GLOBE protocols at the U.S. Capitol.


During their demonstration, the students showed Rep. Scotty Baesler and Sen. Wendell Ford how to determine cloud cover and type and how to record the maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation for the preceding 24 hours, as well as record the current temperature. The students also analyzed soils samples from the Capitol lawn with GLOBE scientist Dr. Elissa Levine.

"I was very impressed by these young people," reported Rep. Baesler. "Their careful collection of environmental data will be valuable to scientists for years to come."

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