Camp Tyler Earth Day 2007

22 April 2007

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GLOBE Partner Michael Odell, from the University of Texas at Tyler, led GLOBE activities in the Camp Tyler Earth Day 2007 Event in Tyler, Texas. Preservice students from the UT-Tyler teacher preparation program led children and parents through some of the GLOBE biometry protocols. Children learned how to make a simple clinometer and measured the heights of trees. Over 300 children and parents attended the event.

Earth Day 2007 was also the kick-off of a new collaboration between UT-Tyler and Camp Tyler to implement GLOBE at the camp. Camp Tyler is an outdoor science camp where each year thousands of K-12 students and teachers participate in outdoor experiences related to the environment. UT-Tyler will be providing GLOBE training, equipment, and curricular assistance to the camp. Camp Tyler will provide opportunities for preservice teachers to teach children in an outdoor setting. The camp was already involved in collecting a number of environmental measurements. By integrating GLOBE into their curriculum, the camp will add GLOBE's 54 scientific protocols and other supporting materials, to their existing activities.

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Through GLOBE, all students visiting Camp Tyler can conduct inquiry-based research projects, collecting data and using GLOBE visualization tools to analyze their research, as well as compare their work to what other students discover during their stay at Camp Tyler.

We welcome Camp Tyler to the GLOBE community and look forward to learning about the exciting research projects that these Texas students conduct!

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