Garden Road Elementary School, Poway, CA, United States

19 March 1998

Like many GLOBE students around the world, the fourth graders at Garden Road Elementary School in Poway, CA, have been tracking El Niño and its effects on the weather. At the end of January, rainstorms fueled by El Niqo were continually dumping huge amounts of water into areas of southern California that are usually quite dry, causing lots of problems with flooding. In addition to their weather studies, Garden Road Elementary GLOBE students kept track of how El Niqo was affecting individuals. In one news report, they were very saddened to learn that two students had drowned in a flooded drainage ditch.

In response, the students and their GLOBE teacher, Mr. Rich Rosenblum, created a disaster preparedness information packages. They created posters with important safety tips and made presentations to all the classes in the school. The GLOBE students learned that a mere six inches of water can have enough force to sweep you off your feet.

By the end of their project, all the students at Garden Road Elementary School understood the importance of being extra careful around flooded areas. "I think these kids know more about the weather and El Niqo than most adults," said Rosenblum.

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