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Child Behavior Disorders

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Also called: Also called: Conduct disorders

All kids misbehave some times, but behavior disorders go beyond mischief and rebellion. With behavior disorders, your child or teen has a pattern of hostile, aggressive or disruptive behaviors for more than 6 months.

Warning signs can include

If you see signs of a problem, ask for help. Poor choices can become habits. Kids who have behavior problems are at higher risk for school failure, mental health problems and even suicide. Classes or family therapy may help parents learn to set and enforce limits.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

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Directories Organizations Law and Policy Children Teenagers You may also be interested in these MedlinePlus related pages:

The primary NIH organization for research on Child Behavior Disorders is the National Institute of Mental Health -

Date last updated: September 29 2008
Topic last reviewed: July 28 2008