Current version
The current version of the Detailed Calculator is 2008.2, which was released on
May 2, 2008. It updates the 2008.1 version by updating the projected benefit
increases and average wage index with the economic assumptions from the
2008 Trustees Report.
Statement or calculator
If you would like to receive a record of your earnings and possible Social
Security benefit, please request a Social
Security Statement. If you already have your Social Security
Statement with your earnings and you now want to do a "what if" analysis, then
make a selection from the list below.
Online calculator
The Detailed Calculator has many features which are not necessary for normal
retirement benefit estimates. If you do not require these features, you should
try using the
Online Calculator
first, because it is much easier to use.
Links to detailed calculator
Questions or comments
Questions or
comments about the Detailed Calculator?
Be sure to specify the "Detailed Calculator" in your message so
we know to which calculator your question or comment refers.