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Juvenile Accountability Block Grant
The Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG) Program is based on Title III of H.R. 3, The Juvenile Accountability Block Grants Act of 1997, as passed by the House of Representatives on May 8, 1997. The purpose of the JABG Program is to provide States and units of local government with funds to develop programs to promote greater accountability among youth in the juvenile justice system.

Oregon’s share of the FY 2005 award totals $598,900. Allocations are made to units of local government on a formula basis. The formula is based on a combination of Juvenile Justice expenditures and the average annual number of Uniform Crime Report Part 1 violent crimes reported by units of local government for the three most recent calendar years for which data are available. Funds must be spent within 16 program purpose areas (see the FY 2005 JABG Program Application Kit for details). 
Application Kit:
2005 Application Kit
   Cover Sheet Form
   Budget Form
JABG Performance Measures
OJJDP revision for reporting period starting April 1, 2006:
 PA-1: Graduated Sanctions  PA-9: Juvenile Records System
 PA-2: Corrections/Detention Facilities  PA-10: Information Sharing
 PA-3: Court Staffing and Pretrial Services  PA-11: Accountability
 PA-4: Prosecutors (Staffing)  PA-12: Risk and Needs Assessment
 PA-5: Prosecutors (Funding)  PA-13: School Safety
 PA-6: Training for LE and Court Personnel  PA-14: Restorative Justice
 PA-7: Juvenile Gun Courts    PA-15: Juvenile Courts and Probation
 PA-8: Juvenile Drug Courts  PA-16: Detention/Corrections Personnel
Federal JABG Logic Model
Grant Handbook:
JABG Handbook 2005  (PDF)
JABG Handbook 2004 (PDF)
Progress Report (PDF)
Progress Report (Word)
Request for Reimbursement (Excel)

State of Oregon 2005 JABG Annual Performance Report by funding year for reporting period April 1, 2004 - March 31, 2005:
FY 2001
FY 2002
FY 2003
These reports were submitted to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) to summarize statewide grant activities and to assess the effectiveness of these activities. OJJDP will use these reports to develop an annual report to Congress.
Travel Reimbursement Form (Excel)
Pier Diem Rates
Please address any questions regarding this grant to: diana.fleming@state.or.us
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Page updated: October 12, 2007

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