The Diptera Site
Information about the World flies
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The Diptera Site

Who's Who
Research & Collections
Our Web
Young Dipterists
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Activities, Groups and Opportunities

Links to information about events, societies, journals, newsletters, and working groups devoted to Dipterology and their up and coming activities, as well as to opportunities for those interested in flies are as follows:


2006, 25.-28. July - 16th International Chironomid Sympodium, Madeira, Portugal.

2006, 17.-22. September - 8th European Congress of Entomology, Izmir, Turkey

2006, 23.-28. September - 6th International Congress of Dipterology, Fukuoka, Japan.

2007, August - Field Meeting of the North American Dipterists Society, Silver City, New Mexico.

2008, 6-12. July - International Congress of Entomology Durban, South Africa


Arbeitskreis Diptera, Germany
Dipterists' Forum
Malloch Society
North American Black Fly Association
North American Dipterists' Society
- 5.-9. August 2005 - Field Meeting at Malheur Field Station in southeastern Oregon, USA. Report
The Dipterist's Club of Japan


Studia Dipterologica Zootaxa
Diptera Data Dissem. Disk Annals of the Ent. Soc. Am.
Dipterological Research New Zealand Entomologist
Dipterists' Digest
Mosquito News & Mosquito Systematics


Fly Times
Bulletin of the Dipterists' Forum
Tachinid Times
Ceratopogonidae Information Exchange
Chironomus Newsletter
Phorid Newsletter
The British Simuliid Group Bulletin

Digital Libraries

Biodiversity Heritage Library
Sherborn's Index Animalium
Biologia Centrali-Americana
Neave's Nomenclator Zoologicus
American Museum of Natural History Scientific Publications


Graduate Fellowship at the Smithsonian
Partnerships for Enhancing Expertise in Taxonomy (PEET)
Samual W. Williston Diptera Research Fund
Dipterology Fund

Other Places

This list of sources is not comprehensive, only the major sites are listed. The site at Colorado State University maintains a comprehensive list of entomological sites, the Biology Browser maintains one for all of biology. For a list of museum with Diptera collections click here.

Entomology WWW Sites (Colorado State University, Fort Collin)
Zoological Record
Thomson Index to organism names
Biology Browser
GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility)
ITIS (Integrated Taxanomic Information System)
INBio (National Institute of Biodiversity)
Fauna Europaea
Tree of Life (University of Arizona, Tucson)
AToL - Assembling the Tree of Life
BIN21 (Biodiversity Information Network, Campinas)
ERIN (Environment Resource Information Network, Canberra)
Catalog of the Diptera of the Australasian and Oceanian Regions. N.L. Evenhuis
Catalog of the Fossil Flies of the World. N.L. Evenhuis
Iowa State Resources
Cornell Resources
Biological Collection Access Services (BioCASE)
Mosquito Genomics WWW Server
FlyView Home (Drosophila Image Database)
BioImages: The Virtual Field-Guide (UK)
National Insect Week - a species search engine

Content by F. Christian Thompson
Please send questions and comments to Chris Thompson.
Last Updated: May 22, 2006 by Irina Brake