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"Very good class. Your enthusiasm, expertise, and involvement with the students made 4 days of intense learning rewarding." - Mary J

"This class is definitely not a typical Instructor Lecture, do the exercise and on to the next topic. It was more of a Knowledge transfer from experienced professionals who have 'been there and done that'." - Hank W

"I got so much more out of this class than I expected. By day 3, I thought my head would split open. Those lunch breaks saved me! I've never been so excited by a class and so ready to apply it at my work." - Charles K

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Hal Helms

Welcome to the independent information resource for ColdFusion developers.

Sign up for my "Occasional Newsletter" on software-related topics. This list has a privacy policy.

I spoke with some Fuseboxers at the recent conference and they told me they needed help explaining the benefits of my FLiP methodology to their managers. I wrote a brief explanation titled "FLiP: A Manager's Guide" that's available here.

Also, I'm holding my first ever "Project Success: Working with FLiP" class in Tampa on January 15-16. This is worth taking your manager to. Info here.

If you're interested in writing OO applications using ColdFusion MX, check out Mach-II, created by Ben Edwards and me.

Speaking of Mach-II, Sean Corfield, Macromedia's Director of Architecture in IT, has written some great stuff about Mach-II, for which Ben and I are most grateful.

The next Java for CF Programmers class will be held March 1-5 in Las Vegas, NV. Click here for more info.

Interested in training for Fusebox 4? The next class is in Las Vegas on February 23-25 . If you're interested, please sign up soon as the last class sold out quickly. Click here for more info.

Ben Edwards and I will be giving a three-day class in Mach-II in Las Vegas, NV on Feb 25-27. If you're interested, please sign up soon as the last class sold out quickly. Click here for more info.

I'm often asked, "Do you provide onsite training?" I certainly do. I offer classes in Java for ColdFusion Programmers, Fusebox 4, Mach-II OO framework, and ColdFusion MX Foundations. Later this year, I'll be offering a "Building J2EE Web Applications" that will focus on Java beans, servlets, and Java Server Pages (JSP)s. If you're interested in having me come to you to teach a class, please send me an email.

I've entered the world of bloggers with "Occasional Thoughts" to accompany my "Occasional Newsletter".

The new Techspedition book, Discovering Fusebox 4, is available at www.teamallaire.com.

I gave a keynote talk at CFUN-03. The text for that talk is here.

Need to convince your boss to send you to Java training? Here are 10 reasons why it makes sense for your company to send you. If you'd like to see this in PDF, click here.

My book, Discovering CFCs, written with Ben Edwards, is shipping. There's an accompanying e-workbook, Studies in Discovering CFCs, to help you apply what you're learning. Both are available at www.teamallaire.com.

Is ColdFusion Dying? That's the provocative title of a newsletter I wrote (if you're not an "Occasional Newsletter" subscriber and would like to be, click here). Rather than take a pro -- or con -- position, I argue that the question deserves a deeper answer. You can read it here.

I have an article on Using Inheritance and Composition with CFCs at Macromedia's Designer/Developer site. Click here to read it.

For a free, sample chapter of Discovering ColdFusion Components, called "An Introduction to CFCs", click here.

Interested in a introductory class in ColdFusion MX? Click here for more info.

Judith and Michael Dinowitz run FusionAuthority, a free newsletter that I subscribe to. In this issue, I have an article called "Ten Deadly Mistakes Fuseboxers Make". [5 May 2002]

I did a talk on methodologies at the recent CFNorth conference. You can download it here. In the NOTES section is the full text of my talk.

Here's a link to an article I wrote for webreference.com on methodologies and Fusebox. Click here.

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