How to Participate


At Berkeley Lab, buying responsibilities are organized by commodities within the Procurement Department. Specific questions regarding which type of Subcontract Administrator to contact should be directed to the Procurement Information Desk, (510) 486-4571. You may also obtain this information here on our web site.


There are a variety of options available to you in initiating contact with the Laboratory. You can:


  • Contact a Subcontract Administrator;
  • Contact an End User within a technical division if referred;
  • Schedule a visit to the Laboratory;
  • Send literature to either Subcontract Administrators or End Users directly;
  • Contact the Laboratory’s Small Business Liaison Officer if you are a Small, Hubzone, Veteran-Owned, Small Disadvantaged or Woman-Owned Business; or
  • All of the above.


Because of the volume of individual requisitions, the Laboratory does not maintain a formal bid list. Instead, individual bid lists are developed by Subcontract Administrators tailored to each requirement. It is therefore very important that suppliers maintain constant contact with Subcontract Administrators and End Users to assure they receive maximum exposure and visibility. You will increase your opportunities at receiving an award if you maintain close and constant communications with Lab personnel.


If you wish to demonstrate a product or to leave a sample for evaluation, please arrange with a Subcontract Administrator. Vendors must obtain the permission of the Procurement Department before sending or leaving any equipment for evaluation.


For more general information about our procurement policy and methods visit Doing Business with Berkeley Lab.