Contracting Opportunities


For additional information, contact:

Hanh M. Le, Small Business Representative

(510) 486-4596 -


NAICS Code Description Estimated Value Solicitation Method Solicitation Release Date Expected Award Date

Urban Design and Master Planning

$500K - $1M SB Set-Aside JUL-SEP 2008 JUL-SEP 2008

Specialty Trade Contractors in the following categories:

    • C33: Painting
    • C15 Flooring
    • C10: Electrical
    • C36: Plumbing
$500K - $1M SB Set-Aside Ongong Ongong


Contracting opportunities for upcoming Berkeley Lab construction projects are at:


If you are a first-time Berkeley Lab construction supplier, please complete the Berkeley Lab Construction Contractor Questionnaire at this link and fax it to Hanh Le at (510) 486-7629.


FY08 4th Qtr. July - Sept 2008    
FY09 1st Qtr. Oct - Dec 2008    
FY09 2nd Qtr. Jan - March 2009    
FY09 3rd Qtr. April - June 2009    
FY09 4th Qtr. July - Sept 2009    


Updated 7/12/08

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