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FY 1993

The VENTS 1989 Cleft Segment Plume Monitoring Experiment: Physical and Chemical Data, NOAA Ship Discoverer, August 1989

Devany, M.S., E.T. Baker, R.A. Feely, D.J. Pashinski, G.T. Lebon, S.L. Walker, and K.A. Krogslund

NOAA Data Report ERL PMEL-48, NTIS: PB94-109345, 100 pp (1993)

This report summarizes salinity, temperature, nutrient, and total suspended matter data collected during the NOAA VENTS cruise in August 1989. These data were collected from July 29 to August 24, 1989 over the Juan de Fuca Ridge covering an area from 44° 39N to 48° 02N and 128° 12W to 132° 46W.

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