Trifolium incarnatum L. - Crimson Clover

Trifolium incarnatum plant

Family - Fabaceae

Stems - No info. yet.

Trifolium incarnatum stemLower stem.

Trifolium incarnatum stemUpper stem.

Leaves - No info. yet.

Trifolium incarnatum leaves

Inflorescence - No info. yet.

Trifolium incarnatum inflorescence

Flowers - No info. yet.

Trifolium incarnatum flowersFlowers close-up.

Flowering - May - July.

Habitat - Fields, waste ground, cultivated areas.

Origin - Native to Europe.

Other info. - This striking yet weedy species can be found mainly in the southern half of Missouri. The plant is easy to ID in the field because of its sericeous stems, cylindrical racemes and brilliant red flowers. T. incarnatum was brought to this continent as cattle fodder and to improve soils. The plant has escaped to the wild essentially throughout the U.S. but Steyermark reported that it is less hardy in more northern states.

Photographs taken somewhere in NC., 4-20-03.
