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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Child Health Extramural Research by State and Country


Principal Investigator: Laskey, Antoinette
Title: Racial Sterotypes and the Recognition of Child Abuse
Institution: Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN
Project Dates: 09/30/06-09/29/11
Project No.: K08 HS16564
Summary: This Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award will be used develop and implement a web-based tool for studying the influence of race on the diagnosis of abusive head trauma and the ability of physicians to recall clinical information in cases of potential abusive head trauma. The researcher will also develop an educational intervention to decrease the effect of physicians' unconscious stereotypes on the decision to evaluate for abusive head trauma; and pilot test the educational intervention for reducing the role of unconscious racial stereotypes in the recognition of abusive head trauma. The study population in this research will be physicians, African-American pediatricians.

Principal Investigator: Overhage, Marc
Title: An Evolving Statewide Indiana Information Infrastructure*
Institution: Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
Project Dates: 09/30/04-09/29/09
Project No.: 290-04-0015
Summary: This project will develop and implement health information exchange (HIE) using an established technical infrastructure and interconnects local health information insfrastructures. It will also implement a Statewide public health surveillance network that links all hospitals to share emergency department data.

Principal Investigator: Swigonsky, Nancy
Title: Health Care Access Quality and Insurance for Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN)
Institution: Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN
Project Dates: 09/30/99-09/29/02
Project No.: U01 HS10453
Summary: This study uses Indiana's two-phased approach to SCHIP to study structural, organizational, and implementation features of SCHIP that facilitate coordination and collaboration of services for optimal outcomes for children with special health care needs.

*Project includes children or children's health care issues but does not focus exclusively on children.

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