Welcome to the largest Lab move in a decade!


Approximately 390 Lab employees will move to new workspaces between July 2008 and January 2009. The move will allow 179 employees who work in Building 937 to move to the main site.

Building 937 houses employees in Human Resources, Workforce Diversity, the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, and the Information Technology Division Another 209 Lab employees in the Accelerator & Fusion Research Division, Earth Sciences Division, Facilities Division, Human Resources Department, and the Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Management Department will move to new workspaces within the Lab to accommodate them.

For more detailed information, check out this link:


Still need to put your mind at ease? Contact Linda Wuy (x7184), OCFO Business Manager.
Or email the Facilities Division with questions and comments at 937move@lbl.gov.


The View!