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Marine Geology Data

Seafloor Surficial Sediment Descriptions (Deck41)

NGDC Data Set G02094

The NGDC "Deck41" database contains surficial sediment descriptions for over 36,000 seafloor samples worldwide.

Data include collecting source, ship, cruise, sample id, latitude/longitude, date of collection, water depth, sampling device, dominant lithology, secondary lithology, and a brief description of the surficial sediment at the location.

This data file is fully searchable online as a standalone data file, and also as in interactive map service. Searches return data for onscreen viewing, and offer data exports in a tab-delimited form suitable for upload into most spreadsheet and database applications. The interactive map interface also enables export of selected data in shapefile form.

Data Set Credit

The file was begun by the Marine Geology and Geophysics group of the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) in the early 1970s and transferred to NGDC in 1975 when the group moved to Boulder, Colorado.

All data were abstracted and coded by the old NODC Marine Geology and Geophysics group, primarily from corelogs, laboratory analysis sheets, and unpublished reports contributed by individuals and oceanographic institutions and agencies worldwide.

Many additional data sets available through NGDC contain seafloor sediment data that are not included in this database; some are in paper reports, other data are in diverse formats. For a more complete search of seafloor sediment data available from NGDC, please search the marine geology inventory.