1997 Science Program Review

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CHAPTER 10: CDC Collaborations and Professional Service


10.1 CDC Scientific and Technical Collaborations

10.1.1 Alphabetical by CDC Staff Member

Alexander, Michael
David Battisti (UW); Gabriel Lau (GFDL); Art Miller (SIO); John Lanzante (GFDL); Uma Bhatt (Wisconsin)

Barsugli, Joseph
David Battisti (UW); Ying-Quei Chen (UW); Tim Palmer (ECMWF); Ed Sarachik (UW); Walter Robinson (UIUC); Masao Kanamitsu (NCEP)

Bates, John
Noelle Scott (LMD); Alain Chedin (LMD); Graeme Stephens (CSU); Tom Vonder Haar (CSU); Richard Reynolds (NCEP)

Berg, Wesley
Ralph Ferraro (NESDIS); William Olson (GSFC); Mark Morrissey (Oklahoma)

Bergman, John
Murry Salby (CATA); Charles Zender (NCAR); Jeffrey Kiehl (NCAR); Conway Leovy (UW)

Chen, Ping
Kenneth Bowman (TAMU); James R. Holton (UW); Donal O'Sullivan (NRA); Walter Robinson (UIUC)

Collins, Julia
Paul Quicker (ERL); John Calder (ERL); Don Cote (CAS); Steve Hankin (PMEL)

Diaz, Henry
Martin Beniston (Fribourg); Raymond S. Bradley (UMass); Timothy Brown (UNR); Dan Cayan (SIO); Michael Dettinger (USGS); Nicholas Graham (SIO); Malcolm Hughes (UA); Max Campos (PCCC); Colin Depradine (CMI); Paul Epstein (CHGE); Carlos Fuller (BNMS); Thomas Karl (NCDC); Dave Enfield (AOML); George Kiladis (AL); Neville Nicholls (BMRC); Ed Cook (Lamont); Lonnie Thompson (OSU); Jose Marengo (CPTEC); Ricardo Herrera (Madrid); Jan Vermeiren (OAS); Chris Landsea (AOML); Phil Pasteris (NRCS); William Gray (CSU); Stefan Hastenrath (Wisconsin); Art Douglas (Creighton); Charlie Neumann (FIU)

Dole, Randall
Robert Black (GIT)

Hendon, Harry
Chidong Zhang (Miami); Sanjay Dixit (PAOS); Peter Webster (PAOS); Murry Salby (CATA); Jun-Ichi Yano (Monash)

Hoerling, Marty
Arun Kumar (NCEP); Ming Ji (NCEP); Ants Leetmaa (NCEP); Mingfang Ting (UIUC); Michael Dettinger (USGS); Gabriel Lau (GFDL); Jim Hurrell (NCAR)

Don Hooper
Brian Doty (COLA); Mike Fiorino (LLNL); Diane Portis (UIUC); Arlindo DaSilva (GSFC)

Liebmann, Brant
Jose Marengo (CPTEC); Carolina Vera (UBA); Mario Nunez (UBA); Vicente Barros (UBA); Norberto Garcia (USF); Marcelo Seluchi (UBA)

Loughe, Andrew
Robert Black (GIT); Paul Schopf (COLA); Daniel Keyser (SUNYA)

Mapes, Brian
David Parsons (NCAR); Wojceich Grabowski (NCAR); Richard Johnson (CSU); Jun-Ichi Yano (Monash); Robert Houze (UW); Shuyi Chen (UW); Sandra Yuter (UW)

Mock, Donald
Wayne Brazille (UCAR); Ernest Daddio (ESDIM); Bruce Baker (NCDC); Steve Hankin (PMEL); Ted Habermann (NGDC); Floyd Hauth (NAS); Joe Matney (Mitre); Robert Mahler (CAS); Don Cote (CAS)

Peng, Shiling
Grant Branstator (NCAR); Jacques Derome (McGill); Bernard Dugas (CAES); John Fyfe (CAES); Lawrence Mysak (McGill); Harold Ritchie (CAES); Walter Robinson (UIUC); Mingfang Ting (UIUC); Arun Kumar (NCEP)

Penland, Cecile
Ping Chang (TAMU); Link Ji (TAMU); Honk Li (TAMU); German Poveda (Medellin); Alejandro Garcia (SJSU); Michael Ghil (UCLA); Theresa Magorian (Stuttgart); Julio Sheinbaum (CICES); Jorge Amador (UCR); Pedro Cardenas (IM); Lino Naranjo (IM); Oscar Mesa (Medellin); Vijay Gupta (CIRES); Thamas Warner (PAOS); Sanjay Dixit (PAOS); Lakshmi Kantha (CU); Victor Magana (UNAM); Arturo Quintanar (UNAM); Anthony Barnston (NWS); Vernon Kousky (NWS); Michael Halpert (NWS); Ed Waymire (Oregon); Tercio Ambrizzi (USP); Tomas Morales (UNAM); Arthur Douglas (Creighton)

Pulwarty, Roger
Tim Baumgartner (SIO); Maria Donoso (CATHALAC); Michael Glantz (NCAR); David Matthews (DOI); Theodore Melis (DOI); J. C. Castilla (UCV); George Mason (CARS); Edward Miles (UW); Victoria Morales (MFS); Roger Pielke (NCAR); Kelly Redmond (WRCC); William Riebsame (CU); James Ruff (NWPPC); Robert Stockman (NWS); Timothy Brown (UNR)

Quan, Xiaowei
Peter Webster (PAOS); Maurice Blackmon (NCAR); Grant Branstator (NCAR)

Sardeshmukh, Prashant
Nicholas Hall (Montreal)

Schweitzer, Roland
Steve Hankin (PMEL); Jerry Davison (JISAO); Jonathan Callahan (JISAO); Steve Roberts (UCAR)

Shinoda, Toshiaki
Roger Lukas (UH)

Sun, De-Zheng
Kevin Trenberth (NCAR); Joe Tribbia (NCAR); Jeffrey Kiehl (NCAR); Frank Bryan (NCAR); Peter Gent (NCAR); Richard Lindzen (MIT); Isaac Held (GFDL); Bram Oort (GFDL); Gabriel Lau (GFDL); David Battisti (UW); David Neelin (UCLA)

Weickmann, Klaus
George Kiladis (AL); Walter Robinson (UIUC); Madison Post (ETL); Gerald Meehl (NCAR); David Gutzler (UNM); Willaim Kessler (PMEL)

Whitaker, Jeffrey
Albert Barcilon (FSU); Robert Black (GIT)

Wick, Gary
Andrew Jessup (UW); William Emery (CU); Peter Schlussel (Munich)

Wolter, Klaus
Richard Armstrong (NSIDC); Stefan Hastenrath (Wisconsin); Bill Lauenroth (CSU); Jonathan Overpeck (NGDC); Gerd Tetzlaff (Leipzig); Steve Worley (NCAR)

Woodruff, Scott
Joe Elms (NCDC); Steve Worley (NCAR); Roy Jenne (NCAR); Rob Quayle (NCDC); Bob Keeley (CMEDS); Roy Mendelssohn (PFEG); Forrest Miller (IATTC); David Parker (UKMO); Diane Stokes (NCEP)

Collaborations Sorted by CDC Member | Collaborations Sorted by Outside Member | Institutional Collaborations | Acronyms and Abbreviations | Professional Service

10.1.2 Alphabetical by Outside Member

  • Amador, Jorge (UCR) - Cecile Penland
  • Ambrizzi, Tercio (USP) - Cecile Penland
  • Armstrong, Richard (NSIDC) - Klaus Wolter
  • Baker, Bruce (NCDC) - Donald Mock
  • Barcilon, Albert (FSU) - Jeffrey Whitaker
  • Barnston, Anthony (NWS) - Cecile Penland
  • Barros, Vicente (UBA) - Brant Liebmann
  • Battisti, David (UW) - Michael Alexander; Joseph Barsugli; De-Zheng Sun
  • Baumgartner, Tim (SIO) - Roger Pulwarty
  • Beniston, Martin (Fribourg) - Henry Diaz
  • Bhatt, Uma (Wisconsin) - Michael Alexander
  • Black, Robert (GIT) - Jeffrey Whitaker; Randall Dole; Andrew Loughe
  • Blackmon, Maurice (NCAR) - Xiaowei Quan
  • Bowman, Kenneth (TAMU) - Ping Chen
  • Bradley, Raymond S. (UMass) - Henry Diaz
  • Branstator, Grant (NCAR) - Shiling Peng; Xiaowei Quan
  • Brazille, Wayne (UCAR) - Donald Mock
  • Brown, Timothy (UNR) - Henry Diaz; Roger Pulwarty
  • Bryan, Frank (NCAR) - De-Zheng Sun
  • Calder, John (ERL) - Julia Collins
  • Callahan, Jonathan (JISAO) - Roland Schweitzer
  • Campos, Max (PCCC) - Henry Diaz
  • Cardenas, Pedro (IM) - Cecile Penland
  • Castilla, J. C. (UCV) - Roger Pulwarty
  • Cayan, Dan (SIO) - Henry Diaz
  • Chang, Ping (TAMU) - Cecile Penland
  • Chedin, Alain (LMD) - John Bates
  • Chen, Shuyi (UW) - Brian Mapes
  • Chen, Ying-Quei (UW) - Joseph Barsugli
  • Cook, Ed (Lamont) - Henry Diaz
  • Cote, Don (CAS) - Donald Mock; Julia Collins
  • Daddio, Ernest (ESDIM) - Donald Mock
  • DaSilva, Arlindo (GSFC) - Don Hooper
  • Davison, Jerry (JISAO) - Roland Schweitzer
  • Depradine, Colin (CMI) - Henry Diaz
  • Derome, Jacques (McGill) - Shiling Peng
  • Dettinger, Michael (USGS) - Henry Diaz; Marty Hoerling
  • Dixit, Sanjay (PAOS) - Harry Hendon; Cecile Penland
  • Donoso, Maria (CATHALAC) - Roger Pulwarty
  • Doty, Brian (COLA) - Don Hooper
  • Douglas, Art (Creighton) - Henry Diaz; Cecile Penland
  • Dugas, Bernard (CAES) - Shiling Peng
  • Elms, Joe (NCDC) - Scott Woodruff
  • Emery, William (CU) - Gary Wick
  • Enfield, Dave (AOML) - Henry Diaz
  • Epstein, Paul (CHGE) - Henry Diaz
  • Ferraro, Ralph (NESDIS) - Wesley Berg
  • Fiorino, Mike (LLNL) - Don Hooper
  • Fuller, Carlos (BNMS) - Henry Diaz
  • Fyfe, John (CAES) - Shiling Peng
  • Garcia, Alejandro (SJSU) - Cecile Penland
  • Garcia, Norberto (USF) - Brant Liebmann
  • Gent, Peter (NCAR) - De-Zheng Sun
  • Ghil, Michael (UCLA) - Cecile Penland
  • Glantz, Michael (NCAR) - Roger Pulwarty
  • Grabowski, Wojceich (NCAR) - Brian Mapes
  • Graham, Nicholas (SIO) - Henry Diaz
  • Gray, William (CSU) - Henry Diaz
  • Gupta, Vijay (CIRES) - Cecile Penland
  • Gutzler, David (UNM) - Klaus Weickmann
  • Habermann, Ted (NGDC) - Donald Mock
  • Hall, Nicholas (Montreal) - Prashant Sardeshmukh
  • Halpert, Michael (NWS) - Cecile Penland
  • Hankin, Steve (PMEL) - Donald Mock; Julia Collins; Roland Schweitzer
  • Hastenrath, Stefan (Wisconsin) - Henry Diaz; Klaus Wolter
  • Hauth, Floyd (NAS) - Donald Mock
  • Held, Isaac (GFDL) - De-Zheng Sun
  • Herrera, Ricardo (Madrid) - Henry Diaz
  • Holton, James R. (UW) - Ping Chen
  • Houze, Robert (UW) - Brian Mapes
  • Hughes, Malcolm (UA) - Henry Diaz
  • Hurrell, Jim (NCAR) - Marty Hoerling
  • Jenne, Roy (NCAR) - Scott Woodruff
  • Jessup, Andrew (UW) - Gary Wick
  • Ji, Link (TAMU) - Cecile Penland
  • Ji, Ming (NCEP) - Marty Hoerling
  • Johnson, Richard (CSU) - Brian Mapes
  • Kanamitsu, Masao (NCEP) - Joseph Barsugli
  • Kantha, Lakshmi (CU) - Cecile Penland
  • Karl, Thomas (NCDC) - Henry Diaz
  • Keeley, Bob (CMEDS) - Scott Woodruff
  • Kessler, William (PMEL) - Klaus Weickmann
  • Keyser, Daniel (SUNYA) - Andrew Loughe
  • Kiehl, Jeffrey (NCAR) - John Bergman; De-Zheng Sun
  • Kiladis, George (AL) - Henry Diaz; Klaus Weickmann
  • Kousky, Vernon (NWS) - Cecile Penland
  • Kumar, Arun (NCEP) - Shiling Peng; Marty Hoerling
  • Landsea, Chris (AOML) - Henry Diaz
  • Lanzante, John (GFDL) - Michael Alexander
  • Lau, Gabriel (GFDL) - Michael Alexander; Marty Hoerling; De-Zheng Sun
  • Lauenroth, Bill (CSU) - Klaus Wolter
  • Leetmaa, Ants (NCEP) - Marty Hoerling
  • Leovy, Conway (UW) - John Bergman
  • Li, Honk (TAMU) - Cecile Penland
  • Lindzen, Richard (MIT) - De-Zheng Sun
  • Lukas, Roger (UH) - Toshiaki Shinoda
  • Magana, Victor (UNAM) - Cecile Penland
  • Mahler, Robert (CAS) - Donald Mock
  • Marengo, Jose (CPTEC) - Henry Diaz; Brant Liebmann
  • Margorian, Theresa (Stuttgart) - Cecile Penland
  • Mason, George (CARS) - Roger Pulwarty
  • Matney, Joe (Mitre) - Donald Mock
  • Matthews, David (DOI) - Roger Pulwarty
  • Meehl, Gerald (NCAR) - Klaus Weickmann
  • Melis, Theodore (DOI) - Roger Pulwarty
  • Mendelssohn, Roy (PFEG) - Scott Woodruff
  • Mesa, Oscar (Medellin) - Cecile Penland
  • Miles, Edward (UW) - Roger Pulwarty
  • Miller, Art (SIO) - Michael Alexander
  • Miller, Forrest (IATTC) - Scott Woodruff
  • Morales, Tomas (UNAM) - Cecile Penland
  • Morales, Victoria (MFS) - Roger Pulwarty
  • Morrissey, Mark (Oklahoma) - Wesley Berg
  • Mysak, Lawrence (McGill) - Shiling Peng
  • Naranjo, Lino (IM) - Cecile Penland
  • Neelin, David (UCLA) - De-Zheng Sun
  • Neumann, Charlie (FIU) - Henry Diaz
  • Nicholls, Neville (BMRC) - Henry Diaz
  • Nunez, Mario (UBA) - Brant Liebmann
  • Olson, William (GSFC) - Wesley Berg
  • Oort, Bram (GFDL) - De-Zheng Sun
  • O'Sullivan, Donal (NRA) - Ping Chen
  • Overpeck, Jonathan (NGDC) - Klaus Wolter
  • Palmer, Tim (ECMWF) - Joseph Barsugli
  • Parker, David (UKMO) - Scott Woodruff
  • Parsons, David (NCAR) - Brian Mapes
  • Pasteris, Phil (NRCS) - Henry Diaz
  • Pielkle, Roger (NCAR) - Roger Pulwarty
  • Portis, Diane (UIUC) - Don Hooper
  • Post, Madison (ETL) - Klaus Weickmann
  • Poveda, German (Medellin) - Cecile Penland
  • Quayle, Rob (NCDC) - Scott Woodruff
  • Quicker, Paul (ERL) - Julia Collins
  • Quintanar, Arturo (UNAM) - Cecile Penland
  • Redmond, Kelly (WRCC) - Roger Pulwarty
  • Reynolds, Richard (NCEP) - John Bates
  • Riebsame, William (CU) - Roger Pulwarty
  • Ritchie, Harold (CAES) - Shiling Peng
  • Roberts, Steve (UCAR) - Roland Schweitzer
  • Robinson, Walter (UIUC) - Ping Chen; Klaus Weickmann; Shiling Peng; Joseph Barsugli
  • Ruff, James (NWPPC) - Roger Pulwarty
  • Salby, Murry (CATA) - Harry Hendon; John Bergman
  • Sarachik, Ed (UW) - Joseph Barsugli
  • Schlussel, Peter (Munich) - Gary Wick
  • Schopf, Paul (COLA) - Andrew Loughe
  • Scott, Noelle (LMD) - John Bates
  • Seluchi, Marcelo (UBA) - Brant Liebmann
  • Sheinbaum, Julio (CICES) - Cecile Penland
  • Stephens, Graeme (CSU) - John Bates
  • Stokes, Diane (NCEP) - Scott Woodruff
  • Tetzlaff, Gerd (Leipzig) - Klaus Wolter
  • Ting, Mingfang (UIUC) - Shiling Peng; Marty Hoerling
  • Thompson, Lonnie (OSU) - Henry Diaz
  • Trenberth, Kevin (NCAR) - De-Zheng Sun
  • Tribbia, Joe (NCAR) - De-Zheng Sun
  • Vera, Carolina (UBA) - Brant Liebmann
  • Vermeiren, Jan (OAS) - Henry Diaz
  • Vonder Haar, Tom (CSU) - John Bates
  • Warner, Thomas (PAOS) - Cecile Penland
  • Waymire, Ed (Oregon) - Cecile Penland
  • Webster, Peter (PAOS) - Harry Hendon; Xiaowei Quan
  • Worley, Steve (NCAR) - Scott Woodruff; Klaus Wolter
  • Yano, Jun-Ichi (Monash) - Harry Hendon; Brian Mapes
  • Yuter, Sandra (UW) - Brian Mapes
  • Zender, Charles (NCAR) - John Bergman
  • Zhang, Chidong (Miami) - Harry Hendon

Collaborations Sorted by CDC Member | Collaborations Sorted by Outside Member | Institutional Collaborations | Acronyms and Abbreviations | Professional Service

10.1.3 CDC Formal Institutional Collaborations

The Environmental Research Laboratories (ERL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the University of Colorado at Boulder (CU) have collaborated since 1967 to support the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES). Formally, this collaboration has been conducted under a series of Cooperative Agreements. One important factor in this successful collaboration between CU and ERL has been the flexibility and timeliness of the funding mechanism: Cooperative Agreements, in contrast to procurement contracts, allow the funding agency and recipient to work together in planning and executing the specific tasks associated with a particular research activity. For CDC, this cooperative agreement involves extensive collaboration between CIRES and ERL scientists in many areas of climate research. Joint CIRES-CDC activities include research aimed at identifying the nature and causes for climate variations on time scales ranging from months to centuries.
The purpose of this Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is to establish a cooperative, working relationship between the Environmental Research Laboratories (ERL) and the Office of Global Programs (OGP) to establish and maintain a Climate Diagnostics Center (CDC) within ERL. This MOA defines the role of the CDC within NOAA's Climate Change Research Program and facilitates the development and support of the Center. The objective of the CDC is to study all aspects of climate diagnostics to (a) better understand past representations of climate change and (b) aid in understanding of the dominant processes involved.
The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to promote and establish a closer collaboration in climate research and related applications between scientists at the CDC of the NOAA Environmental Research Laboratories and the Experimental Climate Prediction Center (ECPC) of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO). CDC and ECPC each possess unique strengths in the areas of climate analysis, diagnosis, modeling, prediction and in the development of new climate products for societal benefit. CDC and ECPC recognize that a closer collaboration between our organizations would be mutually beneficial to achieving our respective research missions. Among the advantages to be realized through a closer collaborative relationship are the benefits of applying the complementary scientific expertise of the two organizations to better address complex and frequently interdisciplinary problems in climate research.
The University of Massachusetts (UMASS) sponsors research at CDC aimed at helping to resolve critical issues related to climate change monitoring and diagnostic interpretation of regional- to hemispheric-scale climatic variations over a wide range of time scales. The work includes a series of studies, involving both GCM, observational, and proxy data, each of which focusses on a different aspect of climate variability.
NASA sponsors research at CDC focused on the evaluation and use of passive and active remote sensing techniques to investigate ocean surface wind speed and direction variability for climate monitoring. NASA also sponsors research at CDC aimed at a better understanding of the life cycle of low frequency anomalies.
The National Science Foundation (NSF), through the Inter-American Institute for Global Change (IAI), sponsors research at CDC to investigate the causes of subseasonal to interannual rainfall variability over the Amazon basin and to examine circulation changes resulting from variations in convection over Amazonia.

Collaborations Sorted by CDC Member | Collaborations Sorted by Outside Member | Institutional Collaborations | Acronyms and Abbreviations | Professional Service

10.1.4 Guide to Acronyms and Abbreviations

  • AL - ERL Aeronomy Laboratory, Boulder, CO
  • ARL - ERL Air Resources Laboratory, Washington, DC
  • BMRC - Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia
  • BNMS - Belize National Meteorological Service, Belmopan, Belize
  • CAES - Canadian Atmospheric Environment Service, Montreal, Canada
  • CARS - Caroni Agricultural Research Station, Caroni, Trinidad and Tobago
  • CAS - Colorado Alliance for Science, Boulder, CO
  • CATA - CU Center for Atmospheric Theory and Analysis, Boulder, CO
  • CATHALAC - Water Center for the Humid Tropic of Latin America and the Carribbean, Panama City, Panama
  • CDC - ERL Climate Diagnostics Center, Boulder, CO
  • CHGE - HMS Center for Health and the Global Environment, Boston, MA
  • CICES - Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y Educacion Superior, Ensendad, Mexico
  • CIRES - NOAA-CU Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, Boulder, CO
  • CIT - California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
  • CMDL - ERL Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory, Boulder, CO
  • CMEDS - Canadian Marine Environmental Data Service, Ottawa, Canada
  • CMI - Caribbean Meteorological Institute, Bridgetown, Barbados
  • COLA - Center for Ocean, Land, and Atmospheric Studies, Calverton, MD
  • CPTEC - Center for Weather Prediction and Climatic Studies, San Jose dos Campos, Brazil
  • Creighton - Creighton University, Omaha, NB
  • CSU - Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
  • CU - University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
  • DOC - US Department of Commerce, Washington, DC
  • DOE - US Department of Energy, Washington, DC
  • DOI - US Department of the Interior, Washington, DC
  • ECMWF - European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting, Reading, England
  • ERL - OAR Environmental Research Laboratories, Silver Spring, MD
  • ESDIM - NESDIS Environmental Services Data and Information Management Program, Washington, DC
  • ETL - ERL Environmental Technology Laboratory, Boulder, CO
  • FIU - Florida International University, Miami, FL
  • Fribourg - University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland
  • FSL - ERL Forecast Systems Laboratory, Boulder, CO
  • FSU - Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
  • GIT - Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
  • GFDL - ERL Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ
  • GLERL - ERL Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI
  • GSFC - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
  • HMS - Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
  • IATTC - Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, La Jolla, CA
  • IM - Institute of Meteorology, Havana, Cuba
  • JISAO - NOAA-UW Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean, Seattle, WA
  • JPL - NASA-CIT Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
  • Lamont - Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY
  • Leipzig - University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
  • LLNL - DOE Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA
  • LMD - Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique, Paris, France
  • Madrid - University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
  • McGill - University of McGill, Montreal, Canada
  • Medellin - Universidad de Medellin, Medellin, Columbia
  • MFS - Ministry of Fisheries, Santiago, Chile
  • Miami - University of Miami, Miami, FL
  • MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
  • Mitre - Mitre Corporation, McLean, VA
  • Monash - Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
  • Montreal - University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada
  • Munich - University of Munich, Munich, Germany
  • NAS - National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC
  • NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC
  • NCAR - NSF-UCAR National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO
  • NCDC - NESDIS National Climatic Data Center, Asheville, NC
  • NGDC - NESDIS National Geophysical Data Center, Boulder, CO
  • NODC - NESDIS National Oceanographic Data Center, Washington, DC
  • NOAA - DOC National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, MD
  • NCEP - NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Camp Springs, MD
  • NESDIS - NOAA National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service, Silver Spring, MD
  • NMFS - NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, MD
  • NOS - NOAA National Ocean Service, Silver Spring, MD
  • NRA - Northwest Research Associates, Bellevue, WA
  • NRCS - USDA National Resources Conservation Service, Washington, DC
  • NSF - National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA
  • NSIDC - NOAA-CU National Snow and Ice Data Center, Boulder, CO
  • NSSL - ERL National Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman, OK
  • NWS - NOAA National Weather Service, Silver Spring, MD
  • NWPPC - Northwest Power Planning Council, Portland, OR
  • OAR - NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, Silver Spring, MD
  • OAS - Organization of American States, Washington, DC
  • Oklahoma - University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
  • Oregon - University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
  • ORNL - DOE Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
  • OSU - Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
  • PAOS - CU Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Boulder, CO
  • PCCC - Central America Project on Climate Change, San Jose, Costa Rica
  • PFEG - NMFS Pacific Fisheries Environmental Group, Monterey, CA
  • PMEL - ERL Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, WA
  • PSU - Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA
  • SIO - Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA
  • SJSU - San Jose State University, San Jose, CA
  • Stuttgart - University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
  • SUNYA - State University of New York, Albany, NY
  • TAMU - Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
  • UA - University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
  • UBA - University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • UC - University of California, Berkeley, CA
  • UCAR - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO
  • UCD - University of California, Davis, CA
  • UCLA - University of California, Los Angeles, CA
  • UCR - University of Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica
  • UCSB - University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
  • UCSD - University of California, San Diego, CA
  • UCV - Universidad Catolica, Valparaiso, Chile
  • UF - University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
  • UH - University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
  • UIUC - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL
  • UKMO - United Kingdom Meteorological Office, Bracknell, England
  • UM - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
  • UMass - University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
  • UMD - University of Maryland, College Park, MD
  • UNAM - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
  • UNLV - University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV
  • UNM - University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
  • UNR - University of Nevada, Reno, NV
  • US - United States (federal goverment), Washington, DC
  • USDA - United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC
  • USF - University of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Argentina
  • USGS - DOI United States Geological Survey, Washington, DC
  • USP - University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • UW - University of Washington, Seattle, WA
  • Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
  • WRCC - Western Regional Climate Center, Reno, NV

Collaborations Sorted by CDC Member | Collaborations Sorted by Outside Member | Institutional Collaborations | Acronyms and Abbreviations | Continue to Professional Service