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Melbourne, FL
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Innovative Meteorological Products, Applications, and Collaborative Techniques

    FY 2007 Work Plan

    Innovative Meteorological Research and Product Development

    • Develop and test impact weather products, techniques, and collaborations
      • coordinate daily with TacMet (day 1 forecaster) to produce 'impact weather' graphics and discussions via the internet and determine usefulness (i.e. blog software); solicit feedback.
      • expand and test use of dedicated two-way electronic communication with user groups (i.e. instant messaging).
      • examine utility for using model/ensemble standard deviations and confidence factors within forecast process.
      • complete local development projects as tasked by WFO program leaders.
    • Expand graphical (gridded) forecast product suite 
      • continue to serve on national 'tropical cyclone hazard graphics team' to assist transition of graphical Hurricane Local Statement (gHLS) to official/national product.
      • expand lightning forecast services
      • develop tropical cyclone wind gust �smart tool' for GFE
      • improve additional grid services as required.
    • Local Data Integration System (LDIS) 
      • Implement ADAS Graphical User Interface (GUI) for monitoring and manual quality control of observations
    • Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model
      • continue to experiment with short-term WRF prognostic schemes (8-km and 2.5km resolution) to maximize operational support
      • acquire NOAA dispersion model code (HYSPLIT) and examine possibilities for running locally; use ADAS as initialization.
      • determine utility of RCLIPER rainfall guidance for tropical cyclone situations.
      • continue to assess feasibility of acquiring/implementing a local ocean wave model.

    Transition of Technology and Scientific Applications into Operations

    • Improve short-term (<12 hour) convective outlook/forecast/warning process 
      • work routine 'impact weather' shifts to help incorporate latest science/technology (begin with partial support during dry-season and transition to full-scale support for the wet-season, i.e. beginning around 15 May).
      • Incorporate Real-Time Mesoscale Analyses (RTMA) grids into forecast process.
      • assist with development and forecaster training of GFE 'smart tools' for forecast operations.
      • implement dedicated two-way electronic communication system as operational link to user groups (instant message).
    • Local Data Integration System (LDIS) and Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model
      • transition ADAS GUI into forecast operations.
      • ingest improved GOES Sea Surface Temperature composites into ADAS.
      • expand operational use of WRF model.
    • Graphical Products 
      • transition tropical cyclone threat/risk hazards and �terms of uncertainty' into gHLS webpage.
      • transition improved high-resolution SST analyses into AWIPS/GFE.
    • Scientific Applications Training 
      • develop brief severe weather cases using the Warning Event Simulator (WES) and assist with staff training as required.
      • examine recent impact weather events on the WES and develop 'lessons learned' summaries for forecast staff.
      • assist homeland security program leader with development of local training exercises

    Collaborative Techniques to Enhance Information Exchange

    • Develop, test, and implement dedicated two-way electronic communication system as operational link to user groups. Solicit user feedback.
    • Develop, test, and implement 'impact weather discussions and graphics' webpage.
    • Foster expanded interactions with users of local weather information via briefings, workshops, mutual training scenarios, and outreach opportunities
    • Complete targeted training and education for high-impact events (incident command structure module).
    • Collaborate with Applied Meteorology Unit entities in support of official tasks.
    • Continue to serve as Principal Investigator on U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Climate Forecasting System (CFS) subproject "Tropical Cyclone Forecasting and Warning" between the Government of India and the National Weather Service.
    • Collaborate with partners to enhance research related to one or more Cooperative Institute or the Collaborative Science Technology and Applied Research (CSTAR) grants.

For additional information concerning the NWS Melbourne IMU, please contact:
IMU Science Specialists:  Scott Spratt & Matt Volkmer
IMU Technology Specialist: Pete Blottman
IMU Leader: David Sharp
IMU Administrator: Bart Hagemeyer

�Turning Science into Service'



















































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National Weather Service
Melbourne Weather Forecast Office
421 Croton Road
Melbourne, FL 32935
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Date modified: June 30, 2008


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