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Recruitment and Applying
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Indian Health Service (IHS) Commissioned Corps  

Recruitment & Applying

There are 11 categories of which the Commissioned Corps hires, they are: Dentists, Dieticians, Environmental Health Officers, Engineers, Health Service Officers (HSO), Physicians, Nurses, Pharmacists, Scientists, Therapists, and Veterinarians. For in depth information on all categories what they do, pay/benefits and requirements visit the official U.S. PHS website.

To view all the Commissioned Corps positions available visit the DCP Vacancy Report and to apply for a position visit the USPHS Website. To apply for and find IHS specific jobs check out the IHS Jobs Vacancy Database where you can sort by category and/or region.

Applying for a call to active duty as a U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps officer involves two processes. You must apply for a Corps commission, and you must apply for jobs at agencies that accept Commissioned Corps officers for assignments in their programs. You should pursue both processes simultaneously

When applying for an advertised vacancy as a Commissioned Officer, you must submit a cover letter with the following information:

  • Indicate in the cover letter that you are applying for the position as a Commissioned Officer.
  • Indicate in the cover letter whether you are already an active duty officer, an inactive reserve officer, or an applicant who has been approved for commissioning in the USPHS Commissioned Corps. If you have not submitted an application to the USPHS Commissioned Corps, please visit the USPHS Website to learn about us.
  • Be sure that you apply only for merit promotion announcements. If selected under a delegated examining unit announcement, you will be required to accept a civil service appointment and will not be allowed to serve in the position as a commissioned officer.
  • Include in the cover letter the phone number of the Division of Commissioned Personnel, Recruitment and Assignment Branch (RAB) at 1-800-279-1605 or 301-594-3360 so that the supervisor or hiring official can contact us with questions. You can also include our e-mail address at
  • Include the vacancy announcement number in your cover letter.

When applying for a position, it might not be required but you should submit:

  • A Resume or Curriculum Vitae.
  • Answer KSA's (these are not required, but reflect the background and knowledge which are important to the hiring official.)

Some general notes:

  • Some supervisors might not be familiar with the USPHS Commissioned Corps personnel system, so you should direct them to call RAB at 1-800-279-1605 with any questions about hiring a commissioned officer.
  • A Commissioned Officer can be hired even if the position is not announced, provided the hiring official requests that the officer be assigned to duty with the program.
  • A qualified Commissioned Officer can fill most DHHS healthcare positions, even when they are advertised as a civil servant position.
  • A Commissioned Officer can be detailed to some agencies outside of DHHS for certain professions. Click vacancies to learn more about these other agencies.

The minimum rank for a college graduate is LTJG.

It is possible to hold a position graded for a rank other than yours. For example, a LCDR can fill a position that is graded for a CAPT/GS-15. Keep in mind that your pay is determined by the rank that you hold, not the position's rank. In the previous example, the LCDR filling a CAPT/GS-15 position would be paid as a LCDR, not as a CAPT.

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This file last modified: Wednesday August 27, 2008  2:44 PM